Part 11

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Wow omg 1k reads? Thank you so much that is crazy! Honestly I don't know why any of you have stuck around this long but thank you for doing so!

Steve's POV:

"Damn it, Tasha. Pick up the damn phone!" I yell as her voicemail comes through yet again. I call her again and it rings all the way through to voicemail, I call again and again and end up with the same outcome.

I decide to try one more time before calling Tony so he can properly find and track Natasha. "Come on, Nat. Come on, Nat." I mutter as the phone rings.

"Wow you are impatient." Natasha's voice comes over the phone. "I was on the phone with Clint, what's up?"

"God, don't do that to me Nat!" I say as I sigh in relief.

"Don't tell my friend that we're crashing at his place for an unknown period of time?" The confusion is evident in her voice.

"Don't ignore my calls and texts when we're on a road trip while running from the government. Last time you did that you were half dead in a ditch in Singapore." I remind her sort of light heartedly and sort of dead serious.

She laughs lightly as if recalling a fond memory but in reality it's one that scared the living daylight out of me. "Sorry about that, Capsicle." I roll my eyes at the use of one of Tony's many nicknames for me.

I pull back out onto the road and continue driving, "What exit is the rest stop on? I don't want to miss it." I ask Natasha.

There's a small pause before she answers, "I believe it's exit 11, we're like 5 minutes away how far are you?"

"About 5 minutes," I answer and pass a sign for an Applebee's. "There should be an Applebee's around the exit should we meet there?" I ask her and the exit comes into view ahead of me.

"Sure," She replies quickly, I faintly hear the flashing of her turn signal as she either turns into the parking lot or switches lanes.

"Lydie, have you ever had Applebee's?" I ask knowing Nat has the phone on bluetooth and Lydie can hear our entire conversation.

"No!" Comes her small reply and I chuckle.

"Oh you're going to love it! It's greasy American comfort food at it's finest!" (Note; I've never been to Applebee's don't come for me) I say as cheerfully as possible. There's cheering in the background and I laugh, "I'll see you girls in a minute." And then Natasha and I hang up as I pull into the Applebee's parking lot.

Natasha texted saying they have a table in the back corner, so I greet the host before making eye contact with Nat and walking over. I kiss her cheek and ruffle Lydie's hair lightly before sitting down beside Tasha and picking up the menu. We order without anyone recognizing us or if they do, they don't come up to us and are extremely good at hiding the fact that they recognize us. Like, better then the Black Widow is at spotting on lookers. Once the food arrives we quickly eat our food and finish our drinks, I go to take my wallet out of my pocket but Natasha stops me.

I raise an eyebrow at her as she waves a credit card in front of my face. "I stole Tony's card before I left the tower." She says with a smirk on her face.

I chuckle lightly and peck her lips quickly, "I love you so much," I mutter before calling over the waiter so we can pay the bill and get back on the road, hopefully arriving within the next 3 hours. Once we've payed with Stark's money, I grab Nat's left hand and pick Lydie up so she's balanced on my hip as we walk out of the restaurant. We walk towards the car Tasha took and I place Lydie back down on the ground before bending down so I'm more on her level.

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