Part 8

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@RalucaGabrielaParasc you ask and you shall receive:)

Steve's POV:

"Bullshit!" I yell at the councilmen in front of me, "This is bullshit."

"Captain Rogers, calm down." Councilman Presscott tells me.

"No." Tasha defends, "This is outrageous, you can't do this." She says forcefully.

"This is why we requested you to be in different places." Peterson mumbles.

I slam my hands down on the table in front of me. "Nat, get her out of there. You know where to go." With that Natasha nods and logs off the call.

"Rogers." Someone I don't know hollers at me. "This is not-"

I cut him off "You send that girl back there and it's a death sentence for an 8 year old. Do you want to be responsible for that? Do you?!" My voice gets increasingly louder as I continue with my rant.

My mind goes back over the past few months, when Lydie finally woke up. How I made sure someone was always with her, and how she slowly but surly started warming up to me, finding comfort in me and eventually calling me her папа.

*2 months ago*

I've been sitting with Lydie for the past 30 minutes while Nat has a shower, gets something to eat and does whatever else she needs to do. I've rotated between watching her, trying to read but not being able to, and scrolling through twitter before I land on watching Lydie again.

I watch as she stirs slightly, I sit up a little more in the chair and hope she doesn't wake up before Nat gets back or if she does that she doesn't freak out when she realizes she doesn't know where she is and she probably wont remember who I am.

Regardless I stand up and walk closer to her bed, I stroke her hair lightly hoping to keep her calm. I whisper the couple phrases I know in Russian to her along with certain things in english that should help her feel safe. I anxiously look into the hallway to see if Natasha is almost back but I don't see her.

When I look back down to Lydie I notice her eyes open slightly, studying me. "Hi," I say as softly as possible to the fragile little girl in front of me. "I'm-"

"Steve," She cuts me off, her big brown eyes open wider as she continues to stare into my sole.

A small smile flickers across my face along with the small chuckle that leaves my lips, "Yeah, I'm Steve." I continue to look down at her for a moment, "How are you feeling?" I ask already knowing what answer I'm going to get out of her.

"Fine," She replies at the perfect moment, a moment that most people would consider you telling the truth for.

I smily softly at her, "Lydie, I know how to read you."

She hesitates for a second before answering me honestly this time, her eyes well up with tears as she does, "Everything hurts." Her voice is barely above a whisper.

"I know," I continue stroking her hair, "I know."

*1 month ago*

"Come on, Lydie! We're going to the park!" I call out as I grab my baseball cap, sunglasses, and jacket. I grab my baseball glove and the ball along with her smaller glove incase she wants to play catch while we're there, I also grab the bag of goldfish from the cupboard along with a couple bottles of water.

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