Part 26

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Natasha's POV:

"Lydie, come here." I hold out my hand for her and she stands up, taking my hand she, Steve, and I leave the room. "I need you to go to go down to the basement, you're gonna stay with my sister for a bit. You're going to stay with Yelena." I say in a voice that makes sure she knows I'm not joking.

Lydie nods and falls into my arms, "Я люблю тебя, мама." (I love you, Mama) She whispers into my chest.

"Я тоже люблю тебя, детка." (I love you too, baby) I kiss the top of her head before she pulls away and wraps her arms around Steve.

"I love, папа." I hear her small voice say into his chest as he closes his eyes and holds her tight.

"Я так сильно тебя люблю, Лиди" (I love you so much, Lydie) Normally Lydie lights up like the tree in Times Square whenever Steve says something in Russian to her, something about him taking the time to learn the language makes her feel safe and loved even though he butchers pronunciations to the point where you can barely understand what he's saying.

Lydie runs towards the elevator that Ross and his men won't have any access to ever, Steve wraps his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my head, "Are you sure about this?" He asks while watching the doors close.

"We trust Lydie. From what Stark's told me, we can trust Yelena. She wouldn't hurt her." I answer while staring at the now closed doors.

"I can't tell if you're talking about Lydie or Yelena when you said 'She wouldn't hurt her'." I don't reply, I just turn around in his arms and look into his big blue eyes that tell the story of his life without them meaning too.

Steve keeps the eye contact as his hands stay planted on my waist, "It'll be alright, Tasha." He reaches up and strokes my cheek before he kisses my forehead and pulls me into his embrace.

I can't help but feel terrified for my daughter's safety.

Lydie's POV:

I follow Mama's instructions exactly, I take the elevator down to where Yelena's cell/apartment is. I run down the hallway and throw my small, pale hand onto the scanner like I've seen Mama, Papa, Bucky, and Tony do so many times. The screen shows a red line as it scans my hand and turns green once it finishes. The lock clicks open to reveal the person who is technically my Aunt sitting on a comfy looking couch while flipping through a magazine.

Yelena looks up when she hears the door open, we make eye contact and she automatically puts down what she was reading. "Lydie." My aunt stands up and takes a step towards me while I close the large metal door that firmly shuts and the lock clicks indicating that we are trapped in here until further notice.

"С Рождеством, тетя Елена." (Merry Christmas, Auntie Yelena) We keep eye contact as we stand on opposite sides of the room.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She sees right through any act that I started.

I shrug and walk towards her, I take a seat on the couch and lean back. "В здании находится Таддеус Росс, мама и папа хотят уберечь меня от него, поэтому они отправили меня сюда." (Thaddeus Ross is in the building, Mama and Papa want to keep me safe from him so they sent me here) My legs swing back and forth, I watch then bounce off the base of the couch and swing out just before the coffee table.

Yelena sits beside me, "It'll be alright, маленький" (little one) I scoot closer to her and she wraps an arm around my lean shoulders. When I don't seem convinced she strokes my hair before sitting on the back of the couch, every instinct in my body tells me to move. Get away. Attack before she has the chance to. That is until Yelena lightly grasps 3 pieces of my hair and starts to braid it while slowly adding more and more hair to the crisscrossed pattern on my head.

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