Part 16

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Peter's POV:

My first day off of school in nearly 3 months and of course I have to spend it leading a tour. Cause that's just what Tony does, torture the people around him for no reason at all. Okay, Shuri and I did destroy my lab again but that's why there's DUM-E and all the other robots. I walk into the kitchen on this unfortunately (that took me way to long to figure out how to spell I'm blaming it on it being 1am) sunny Friday morning, it's only unfortunately because you'd think the weather would reflect my mood. Well it doesn't. That's only in movies.

Steve is sitting at the kitchen island looking more stressed the ever, he has a cup of coffee that clearly isn't his first and his phone sitting on the counter like he's desperately (ok what is up with my spelling? geez) waiting for it to ring. "Cap?" I ask quietly, his head snaps up in my direction.

"Hey, kid. I didn't expect to see you this early." He replies as he stifles a yawn. (yawns twice)

"It's 8:43," I say genuinely (oh my god work brain work) confused, Steve taps his phone screen and the time comes up. He leans back on his stool and seems extremely confused about the time. "Did you get any sleep last night, Steve?" I put a hand on his shoulder to try to get him to pay attention.

He pauses for a moment before answering, "No, I should, I should probably go to bed." I agree with him and clap his back as he stands up and goes to the elevator while I grab a bagel and the security badge I barely use before making my way down to the lobby to greet the tour I'm being forced to lead.

"Hey, Cindy." I walk up to the reception desk and greet the receptionist. "How are you?"

She smiles back at me, "Good morning, Peter. I'm good thank you, how are you?" She hands me a tablet with the tour schedule (god damn it brain work would you) on it.

"Good, thanks." I smile at her and type in my password. I look at the name of the tour group, Roxxon Energy Corporation. Great, a bunch of old men in suits getting a tour of one of their rivals buildings.

This doesn't seem right to me so I take out my phone and text Pepper.

hey is roxxon supposed to have a tour here?

Yes, I'll explain everything later.


I put my phone in my back pocket and grab the bucket of badges before I make my way over to the very out of place group of business men and woman. I put on a fake tour guide smile once I get close enough.

"Hi, Roxxon, right?" I ask the general area of the group. There's nods all around along with a few 'yes' 's and other forms of confirmation. "Great, my name is Peter and I'll be your tour guide today. In order to get any further into the building you will all need security badge, I'll let you hand them out to everybody." I shove the box into the nearest persons hands as the employees of the company look at me skeptically.

Once all the badges are passed out I start to explain the badges, since my classes field trip here a while back it was decided that the system was way too complicated. "You might be aware that our badges are different colours. There are 6 different colours of badges and they represent your clearance to the building. You all have white which is for tours, guests ,and press, then theres blue which is lower inters and general employees, purple is higher level inters, Shield agents and security have black badges, and medical have yellow badges. If you see someone with a yellow badge get out of their way as half the time one of the Avengers have gotten themselves blown up. Usually it's Romanoff, Rogers, or Barton."

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