Part 17

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Natasha's POV:

The knock comes at the door and I freeze, turning down the volume of the tv so I can still hear what is happening outside. I quickly throw my hair into a ponytail so it is out of my face to prepare for whatever is about to happen. Cracking my neck I keep one ear focused on the tv while the other listens for anything else happening outside that the tv isn't allowing me to hear.

"Captain Rogers was spotted just earlier today in New York City, so we know he is not in the building. Agent Romanoff?" The reporter calls while once again knocking on the door. "We would just like a quick interview!"

This is harassment right? This goes beyond waiting at the tower doors for someone important to come out. This is stalking someone's house. This is passed simple journalism, this invades someone's privacy. It interrupts lives. I spot my Black Widow suit sitting on a chair in the corner, I quickly throw it on and call Steve.

He picks up on the first ring, "I know, I'm watching the news. I'm on the jet now." He says immediately.

"Lydie's in the second floor bathroom, don't let her leave until everyone's gone." I say as I peek out one of the windows to see just how many people are here. From this angle I see 2 camera crews, a Karen yelling about how a news van is blocking the street, a helicopter continuing to circle overhead, and a slowly growing crowd.

"Tasha, what are you doing?" Steve asks. I let the curtain fall back into place just as another knock comes to the door. He sighs realizing what's going through my head, "Don't do anything irrational."

"Like that's going to happen." I scoff out. He starts to reprimand me but I stop him, "I know. I love you." I say softly, hoping for a little bit of comfort in this situation.

"I love you too, Tash." He replies, affection clear in his tone. I walk towards the door and take a deep breath while one hand goes to unlock one of the many locks on the door. "Be careful." He tells me right before we hang up and I open the door a tiny crack just as the reporter turns around.

I stick just my hand out and give the camera my middle finger, looking over my shoulder to the television to confirm that you can see it. You can. I quickly bring my hand back inside and shut the door, locking it once again I move to the other end of the house where I start blasting Russian pop music.

The music drowns out the sounds of the helicopter as it refuses to leave the proximity of the house. It's also there so Lydie can't hear what's happening outside.

Steve calls me back just as I'm about to do something dramatic. Cursing quietly I answer the phone, "Hey, babe."

"Hi," He replies, "This is a lot more than I thought." Steve pauses before he continues, "How do you wanna play this?"

"Depends, how many are out back?" I ask him while peeking through the blinds to hopefully spot the quinjet.

"From what I can tell there's a couple neighbours and a little paparazzi but that's it." He sighs and I close the blinds as someone realizes I was peaking out.

"I'll run out back with Lydie when you get here, we'll head to Barton's and leave her there. We can figure everything else out later." I bite my lip while continuing to figure out a plan.

"Good. Cause I'm here." I run upstairs and grab Lydie, stopping in our bedroom to grab Steve's hoodie, before heading to the back door.

Steve's POV:

The quinjet lands and uncloaks just as Natasha opens the back door, Lydie on her hip she covers the brunette girls face as she calmly walks through the yard. A few neighbours stare at her with an open mouth while others heads move from her dressed in her black leather suit to me standing in the jet dressed in the Stealth suit with a stuffed chicken in my hands.

"How you doing?" Nat asks a random person as she moves across the grass.

I chuckle at her sarcasm. She's about halfway across the yard when reporters seem to realize that she's exited the house, I only know this as there is yelling from the other side of the building. Natasha quickens her pace and gets to the jet just as a news crew makes it to the yard.

Nat walks up the ramp and I place a hand on her waist out of instinct, I peck her lips right before Natasha puts Lydie back down on the ground and gives the audience her middle finger as she presses the button to raise the ramp and get this bird in the air. I bend down and give Lydie the stuffy, she has the biggest smile on her face and gives me a tight hug as cameras flash and the ramp finally finishes closing.

"как дела милый?" (How are you, honey?) I ask the girl whose smile just doubled in size.

"Я в порядке, папа." (I'm good, papa) I smile back at her and stroke her cheek before she goes and sits on one of the chairs on the side of the jet.

I walk over to where Natasha is standing at the front of the jet right out of Lydie's line of sight, I place my hands on her hips and kiss the base of her ear. "I missed you." I whisper into her ear. I smirk at the effect it has on her body, how she melts at my touch and seemingly dies at the words.

I turn her around so she's facing me, my hands still on her hips as hers hold my face lightly. "I missed you too." She replies smiling slightly, Natasha leans up on her toes while pulling my face down so my lips meet hers. When we pull away she asks, "How did our life turn out like this?"

"I don't know about you but I was pulled from a tour for this." I jump back at Peter's words, I forgot he was here.

"Jeez kid, how long have you been standing there?" I ask while Nat steps out of my grasp making me pout.

"An hour." He replies while popping a chip into his mouth.

"An hour?" I ask, how is that even possible? How did I not notice he was there?

"You knew I was here, right Nat?" Peter looks over to the red head beside me with a small smile.

"Yeah I did." She walks over and high fives the kid before continuing. "Now, go sit with Lydie for a while. We'll fill you in soon." Peter nods and walks around the corner to where Lydie is sitting.

I wrap my arms around Nat again and take a deep breath as she leans most of her weight against me. It's been a really long day.

Wanda's POV:

I step out of the elevator and expect to see Peter and Shuri sitting at the kitchen island, or playing Mario Kart very aggressively. Looking around the room I see how empty it is, I continue wandering through the extremely empty halls of the tower, I check labs, Morgan's play room, Peter's room, multiple training rooms, and the cafeteria before I finally give up and just ask Friday where he is.

"Peter took a quinjet with Captain Rogers about 3 hours ago. They are yet to return." Her robotic Irish accent replies.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, what are they doing on the quinjet? I walk over to the tv and flip over to the news channel, my eyes widen when I realize what is happening. Why they left. Why neither of them told anyone where they were going.

"Hey Friday, can you tell Tony that Rogers kidnapped Peter again?" I ask the AI.

"Initiating 'RIP Peter' protocol." I smirk at her answer before sitting down on the couch with a bag of chips waiting for Stark's freak out to commence.


I feel like these are kinda useless because i already said that Lydie stays with nat and steve but whatever they're fun to write

anyways i hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day:)


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