Part 24

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A bird just flew into my window and i fell off of my bed... anyways how's your day going? also; running on 3 hours of sleep sorry if there's a bunch of little mistakes

Wanda's POV:

So, Natasha and Steve are here now. The guy we were chasing, Markus Woods, the leader of some big thing, I wasn't paying attention when we were given all the information, somehow escaped. The back of the van which was supposed to hold weapons, or bombs, or soldiers, or something was completely empty. Long story short the mission was a bust and we destroyed half of Las Vegas but I got to see Nat for the first time in forever.

"What now?" I ask as we stare at the giant hole in the ground created by Woods. Everybody turns and looks at me, "What?" I furrow my eyebrows as nobody looks away.

"You gotta go down. Find him. Chase him down." Stark starts to ramble.

"What? Why me?" I start to get defensive as I think of a million reasons why I shouldn't be the one to go down.

"You've got the whole, magic thing going for you." Sam states like it is obvious.

"Stark has a multi-million dollar armoured suit that can easily take down a bunker." I defend myself and peoples heads turn towards the billionaire.

"And you can do that with the flick of your wrist." Stark points out, heads turn back to me.

"Wilson has the wings and the Metal Pigeon. Send that thing down there!" Now I'm getting desperate.

"His name is Red Wing." Sam shoots back, I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest.

"We don't have time for this!" Steve snaps while taking another step towards us, "Stark, Wanda go."

Tony rolls his eyes and his helmet covers his mask once again. I open my mouth to protest but Cap gives me a look that leaves no room for discussion. I mumble some curse words in Sokovian as I pass by Steve and jump down into the hole, using my magic to catch me before I hit the ground.

Lydie's POV:

Peter and I sit on the couch in the common room watching cable television while eating way more cookies and ice cream then Мама would ever let me have. Dipper and Mabel have just switched bodies when 'Breaking News' takes over the screen.

I drop my spoon and the ice cream lands back into the bowl as I see my parents, Tony, Rhodey, Sam, Wanda, and Bucky all on the screen. My eyes glance over to Peter briefly before focusing back on the screen to see what is happening.

"The Avengers have been spotted in the centre of Las Vegas, after they reportedly fought just outside of town. Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers have made an appearance after being absent from the public eye for weeks on end." The reporter speaks at the station while cell phone camera footage plays on one side of the screen. It cuts to helicopter footage which shows Wanda jumping into a hole with Tony close behind her. "It seems the action is not quite finished for the Avengers as Tony Starks Iron Man and Wanda Maximoff or the Scarlet Witch have disappeared from view."

The reporter continues talking but I drown out the noise of her voice as I watch Мама start holding pressure on her arm. I can feel Peter's eyes watching me as I feel my bottom lip start to tremble un-voluntarily as I stand up off the couch and walk over to the screen. My hand reaches up and my fingers lightly brush against my mother on the screen just as she looks up at the helicopter and walks over to my father.

Папа takes her arm when he sees she's holding it, I can barely make out their mouths moving before папа applies more pressure to what I can only assume is a wound form the battle that I didn't get to see. The footage cuts back to the studio as my hand now lingers over a small desk plant, obviously put there to make the space look more inviting.

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