Part 9

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Natasha's POV:

After packing up all of our bags I race down to the garage and get into my car, throwing the bags into the trunk I pull out and quickly make my way towards Lydie's school.

I plug my phone into the car for the bluetooth and call her school. The phone is picked up after 2 rings, "Brearley School, how may I help you?" A cheerful receptionist answers.

"Hi, this is Natasha Sokolov. I'm Lydie Sololov's mother, I'm calling to sign her out for the day. If you could have her ready to go in the office that would be perfect, thank you." I say letting a Russian accent seep into my words slightly and using Lydie's birth last name and the one I'm signed up under as her emergency contact.

"Of course, Mrs Sokolov." With that I hang up and continue the 25 minute drive from the tower to her school.

When I'm about 10 minutes from the school I remember that they are going to want some form of identification for when I pick her up, leaning over to the glove compartment I keep my eyes on the road while I search through my ID cards until I find the one that matches Lydie.

Pulling up to the school I park and lock the car before walking up to the front doors to be buzzed in. When they finally open I walk through the hallway, my boots clinking on the expensive looking granite tile floor as I swiftly walk down the corridor. I pull open the office door and hand them my identification before turning to Lydie and throwing her backpack over my shoulders.

"We gotta go, honey. I'll explain on the way, okay?" I ask her quietly and she nods, I let out a small breath and turn to the receptionist and say, "Thank you for making sure she was ready." I use the same accent I did on the phone and give her a small smile before taking back the ID and grabbing Lydie's hand we make our way back out to the car.

I put her backpack on the passenger seat as Lydie climbs in the back seat of the vehicle. "Мама, why did you pick me up early? Where are we going?" She asks as I'm pulling out of the parking spot.

"We are going to Clint's farm for a little while." I reply and turn on my turn signal to turn onto the main road.

"Oh." Lydie says, I look back at her in the mirror and see he playing with the hem of her school uniform. "Why?"

I sigh before answering. "You know how governments have very strict rules regarding things?" She nods and looks back up at me, "Well one of these rules is making something very tricky and we just need to get away for a while."

Sure I might be sugar coating the situation, but you try telling an 8 year old that she's might be taken from her only sense of safety. There's not much else I can say that won't freak her out or send her spiralling. We worked so hard for her to become comfortable around everyone in the tower, and now we're gonna have to redo all of that work.

I turn onto the highway and drive for about 10 minutes in silence before Lydie speaks up again, "Where's папа?"

I turn on my turn signal and switch lanes. "Папа is going to meet us there. He has to figure something out and then he will be there a little after us." I reply and look into rear view mirror to see her now staring out the window watching the buildings go by. I sigh and focus back on the road as the tower comes into view. "We'll see everyone again soon, Lyd."

I continue driving towards the farm, I just hope Steve can get us out of this one. Fast.

Steve's POV:

"How can you let this happen?" I yell at Fury once the council had had enough of my yelling at them and left the call.

"It wasn't my call to make Rogers." He replies as calm as ever which just infuriates me more. "Even if it was, I wouldn't have much of a say with these people." I start to pace around the large room as Fury continues to reason with me.

"Why is this happening?" I mumble and sit down in one of the large black leather chairs in the corner, I rest my head in my hands and stare at the floor. "Why does this always happen? Something good finally happens and then it's taken away faster then it came." My voice is so quiet that I doubt Fury can hear, or at least understand what it is I'm saying. I take a deep shaky breath and sit up straight to face the older man in front of me.

"I'll know where to find you, Captain." He says, I nod slightly and stand up offering him my hand. He takes it and then I walk out the door as calmly as possible, I do however flip off the security camera on my way to the elevator.

Once in the garage, I debate heading back to the tower to grab my motorbike as it is faster and no one will be in my way, but, I decide against it as the seats of my truck are much comfier for the long drive ahead of me. After being on the road for about 20 minutes I call Natasha to see how she and Lydie are doing with this whole ordeal.

"Hey, Lydie's asleep in the back so keep your voice down a bit." She answers the call and quietly states.

"I just wanted to check in, see if there was a motel or something we can meet at for the night." I say knowing that the drive is about 16 hours without traffic. It's about 10:30am right now so at this rate without stopping I wont be there until 4:30pm tomorrow which is not going to happen. I would probably pass out at the wheel before I drive for 16 hours straight.

"Already on it." I can almost hear the smirk in her voice, "I'll send you the address, okay?"

"Okay." I reply with a small sigh, "Drive safe, I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Drive safe." With that we hang up and I go back to focussing all of my energy on driving to my final destination.

Tony's POV:

I walk into the conference room Natasha was using for her meetings but find it empty. Next I check the kitchen, every training room, the roof, her and Cap's bedroom, and finally every inch of the common room before I give up and just ask Friday where she is.

"Ms Romanoff packed all of her bags, along with Captain Rogers' and Lydie's bags and left the tower. Current location, unknown." Her slightly robotic Irish accent answers. I freeze in my place for a moment, why would she just leave without telling anyone? And why would she pack up their bags as well?

None of this makes sense, I take my phone out of my back pocket and call Nat who picks up on the second ring. "Natalie I swear to Thor where the fu-"

She cuts me off, "Tony, don't finish that sentence." So Lydie must be with her, otherwise she wouldn't hesitate to let me swear.

"Is Lydie with you? Why do you have Lydie at," I check my watch, "11:03 on a Monday? Did something happen in one of your meetings?" I ask the last part more quietly as realization starts to dawn on me.

"Tony," She pauses for a second before continuing her sentence, "The board and immigration is trying to send Lydie back to Russia." Her voice is low, quiet, and dangerous.

I blink twice, my mouth hanging open I swallow the lump in my throat. "They're trying to do what?"


Ok so I know nothing about American schools so that is purely based off of my experiences at school in Canada. Also I just googled private schools in new york and picked the first one I saw so... yeah

Also googled Russian last names and that's how I got Sokolov lol the next parts going to be interesting... or not i don't really know:)

thank you so much for reading and have a great day:D


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