Part 21

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Tony's POV:

*Day 17*

I don't think a single person above floor 70 has willingly talked to Cap in about a week. When Peter got back to the tower a few days ago he told people what Nat had told him. Word travels fast here. And of course no one will talk to Rogers long enough to get a story out of him so no one actually knows what happened a week ago.

"Tony-" Steve stops me in the hallway but I cut him off.

"Rogers," I reply and try desperately to get around him. Eventually I give up and turn to face him, "What do you want, Steve?"

"I want to apologize to my girlfriend but I can't cause she wont pick up the phone!" He snaps making me take an unexpected step back. "Sorry, sorry." He quickly apologizes, "I just, I just really need to talk to her. I need to see Lydie."

"She'll call you when she's ready Steve." I assure him before I pat his shoulder and walk past him into the kitchen to grab another cup of coffee.

*Day 19*

Steve is spirling.

*Day 20*

NEW TWEET FROM IAMIRONMAN: I think Cap might be going crazy, he threw a churro at a pigeon today

*Day 21*

NEW TWEET FROM CAPTAINROGERS: I did not throw a churro at a pigeon

NEW TWEET FROM IAMIRONMAN: @captainrogers Sure Cap, sure

Natasha's POV:

*Day 22*

I'm really worried about Lydie, she hasn't been sleeping much and is barely eating. I've canceled her tutor for the next little bit as all she wants to do is sit in her room.

I walk up the stairs and towards her bedroom door, "Lydie?" I call out as I knock lightly on the door. "Дорогая, могу я зайти?" (Honey, can I come in?) I ask, when she doesn't respond I twist open the doorknob and open the door just enough that I can poke my head inside the room. "Lydie?" I walk over to her bed in the corner where she's curled up in the fetal position facing the wall.

I place my hand on her shoulder and she groans as I lightly turn her over to face me. Her skin is pale and her lips are chapped, her eyes remain closed but I know she's awake. I take her face lightly with both my hands as I kneel down beside her bed. "Обезьяна, что случилось?" (Monkey, what's wrong?)

"Мама," Is all she gets out before she coughs violently and I pull her into my arms while rubbing her back lightly.

I pick her up in my arms and head downstairs as her head rests on my shoulder and her arms are draped loosely around my neck. I gently lay her down on the couch and quickly move to the kitchen where I wet an old washcloth and rummage through drawers until I find a thermometer and some cough syrup. I wipe off the tip of the thermometer as I walk back to Lydie and gently place it under her tongue with the damp rag on her forehead. I bite my lower lip as the thermometer flashes red with '102.1 F' on the small screen.

Lydie groans lightly and opens her eyes just a crack as she stretches out her arms for me. I immediately get the message and sit down on the couch bringing her small body almost fully on me as I stroke her hair and lightly rock back and forth.

*Day 23*

Lydie's still sick and if anything she's gotten worse. Her fever wont go down, her cough is worse, her nose is super stuffy making it hard for her to breath, and I'm 89% sure she has a bad headache. I stood up from my place with her on the couch to make soup but by the time I reenter the room, she's fallen asleep with her head on a pillow and her mouth hanging slightly agape.

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