Part 2

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Tony's POV:

How come we always get these missions at the most inconvenient times? We just spent an hour in a press conference that we wouldn't have needed to have if I could just 'Keep my big mouth shut.' Natasha's words, not mine, obviously. I was planning for us to go get Shawarma or froyo or something but I guess that plan's out the window.

We step off the elevator and head to where the message said to go, small conversations fill the air as Barton, Cap, and Red lead us to where we are supposed to go.

"What are we doing exactly?" I lean over and ask Rhodey.

Rhodes looks at me like I'm stupid before replying with, "Not sure actually." I chuckle and pat him on the back twice as the group continues walking through the hallways towards a hanger that has a quinjet waiting to take us to our destination.

Hill stands in front of the jet and seems to have been waiting for us to arrive.

"You're late," She looks between Steve, Clint, and Nat who rolls her eyes when she says this.

"You're the one who kept us locked in there for an hour." Natasha reminds her as she takes a tablet out of Hill's hands and reads through information before handing it over for Clint and Cap to see. Clint mumbles something under his breath that makes Sam and Wanda look at each other as they are the only ones close enough to have been able to hear them.

"So," I clap my hands together and rub them back and forth for effect, "Where are we going?"

Steve and Nat look at each other before answering at the same time, "Niagara Falls."

I furrow my brows as I think back over the last couple months, "Isn't that where..." I trail off.

"You two were..." Rhodey continues for me but ends up doing the same thing.

"Held hostage?" Natasha finishes for us, "Yeah." Cap and Widow share another glance before they step onto the quinjet and make sure everything we need is there. "Someone get me a line to the tower!" She yells over her shoulder as she's crunched over a computer. Steve asks her something and her reply makes him laughs slightly and nod before a phone is brought and we are all ushered onto the jet where we change into our suits and take off.

Natasha's POV:

Sure this mission should only take a couple hours at most, but knowing our luck it will probably take a couple days. If not then we get to spend a couple days wondering the streets and touring the city.

"Привет, Лид! Как дела в башне?" (Hey Lyd! How's it going back at the tower?) I ask as her little voice comes over the phone.

"Мама," She whispers into the phone, I smile at what she called me, still not used to it.

"Ага, милая? Как дела?" (Yeah, honey? What's up?) This isn't the first time we've had to leave her at the tower for something but she still doesn't seem to trust everyone or feel completely comfortable.

There's a small pause on the line, "Когда ты приходишь домой?" (When are you coming home?) I sigh slightly at her words even though I knew they were coming.

"Не на пару дней." (Not for a couple of days) I feel bad leaving her for this long in a place she doesn't feel comfortable in. "Я позвоню тебе через пару часов, чтобы проверить, хорошо?" (I'll call you in a couple of hours to check in alright?) There's a quiet 'da' from the other end of the line and I look up to see Steve looking at me like he wants to talk to Lydie. "Here's dad." I switch over to english for Steve's sake. He's been trying to learn Russian for Lydie's sake, but it's slow going.

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