Part 6

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Steve's POV:

Despite all of my efforts Natasha continues to walk on her very sprained ankle and continues to use her broken wrist. She has however spent a couple days somewhat resting in bed as her concussion hasn't allowed her to do much else.

"Come on, Lyd! I'll buy you more Lucky Charms. Don't be mad at me, please." I practically beg. I can't believe I'm begging to an 8 year old but that's where my life is going. Honestly, I'm kind of okay with that.

Lydie sits back down onto the couch and crosses her arms, "You know what? It's okay, I'll do it. I'll be right back, okay?" She nods her head at my words and I leave the room, heading for the stairs I climb the 3 flights to Tasha and I's room. I slowly open the door and poke my head in to see Nat sitting up in bed starring at the wall.

"Hey, baby." She says when she sees me.

"Hi," I reply as I close the door behind me and walk towards the bed. I sit down and peck her lips before resting my head in her lap with a large sigh.

She chuckles lightly, "What's wrong?" She asks while playing with my hair.

"Oh, nothing." I reply and pinch the bridge of my nose, I see her cock an eyebrow at me, urging me to continue. "That is one very stubborn 8 year old." Natasha laughs again and I close my eyes as she continues to run her fingers through my blond locks.

"You'll be alright," She starts, I open my eyes and look up at her. "You always are." She gives me a small smile that I return as she leans down and kisses my forehead before ruffling my hair and sending me back out to the common room.

I unload and reload the dishwasher before sitting down on the couch beside Lydie and picking up the tv remote to scroll through Netflix. Eventually we land on the remake of Beauty and the Beast, slowly more and more people trickle into the room and Lydie snuggles into my chest. I rub small circles on her back until Nat comes into the room, armed with blankets she sits down beside me and Lydie crawls over my lap to be in between us. She rests her head on Nat's lap with her legs over mine she keeps watching the movie.

Smiling down at her I put one arm around the couch so it's now resting on Natasha's shoulders as our daughter slowly starts to fall asleep on the both of us. I look over to Tasha as she combs her fingers through Lydie's long, brown hair, she looks back to me with a smile on her face. She leans over slightly and I peck her lips twice before she rests her head on my shoulder and soon after drifts off to sleep. I'm not too far behind her.

Tony's POV:

I look to the other side of the room and see Capsicle, Widow, and their tiny terrifying Russian rag doll passed out on each other.

"Friday," I whisper as to not disturb them. "Take a picture and save it to the 'Romanogers' file, please."

"Yes, boss." She replies in a similar tone.

I turn my attention back to the tv as Morgan comes into the room and climbs onto my lap. Slowly everyone around us starts to fall asleep, including Morgan and Peter who showed up at some point in the last half hour. Without disturbing Morgan I lightly place blankets on everyone in the room before turning off the tv and putting a blanket over Morgan who is still in my arms and I sit back down on the love seat before closing my eyes and letting sleep take me.

*Time skip cause I'm lazy*

I wake up with the rest of the team, it's probably about 7 o'clock on this overcast Monday morning. I'm guessing, at some point Morgan woke up and got herself breakfast, judging by the absents of her on my lap and the spilled milk carton in the kitchen. I look over to see Peter still passed out, half on the couch half on the floor. I chuckle lightly and quietly walk up to him.

"Parker! Wake up!" I yell directly into his ear making him awake with a jolt. Chuckling lightly I start to walk away but not fast enough as a pillow comes flying at my head.

I turn around to see him with a wicked grin on his face, I throw the pillow back at him and he easily dodges, hitting it straight into the side of Clint's head making him wake up and glare at both of us. "Go get ready for school, kid. I'll be in my lab." I ruffle Peter's hair before pouring myself a large mug of coffee and taking the elevator to my lab where I tinker with my suit for the next hour or so.

Natasha's POV:

I roundhouse kick the training dummy making it spring backwards before it pops back up just for me to uppercut it's jaw and slam my fists into it again and again. Once it comes to a stop I front kick the sucker into oblivion. Wiping the sweat off my forehead I look over to where Steve is taking his dislocated shoulder just as seriously as I'm taking my ankle, wrist, ribs, and concussion. So, not at all.

He sends a solid jab at the punching bag before sending a strong uppercut into the ruff material forcing it to break off the chains and fall to the floor.

"You know, if you keep doing that," I start waling over to him "Then Stark is going to have to find another way to hold those things up."

"He better." Steve mumbles as he takes a step back and grabs his water bottle from the bench, he passes me mine and I take a long swig. "You know, we never took that vacation."

"What?" I ask, slightly confused.

"Before the Red Room, right before you got on the quinjet I said we were going to take a vacation just the 2 of us." He states and I nod my head slowly remembering his words from all those months ago.

"Now, the question is." I walk closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist while is hands rest on my hips, "Do we be good parents and take our child with us?"

"Or do we have enough alone time to make one?" A large amount of blush seeps onto my cheeks making Steve chuckle, although I see some pink make its way along his neck.

"I wouldn't have put it that way, but sure." I say with a small laugh. "Come on," I say and grab his hand, "Let's go plan something." With that I pull him out of the gym just as the first tour group of the week enters the room.

Wanda's POV:

"Bucky, hand me the chocolate chips, please." I say with one hand out as the other continues to stir the pancake batter. He places a total of 4 chocolate chips in my hand and I look up at him slightly confused until I see that his flesh hand has small bits of melted chocolate on it and the corners of his mouth have a tiny bit of chocolate. "James," I sigh and stop mixing the batter.

Bucky smirks slightly and walks closer to me, "You never said how many chocolate chips we needed."

"I think it was implied that we need more than 4." I drop the chocolate onto the counter and my hands wrap around his neck as his go to my waist.

"3," He says right before putting another piece of chocolate into his mouth, I tilt my head to the side slightly in a disapproving manor and he smirks wider before leaning down and pecking my lips several times before releasing me to finish cooking the pancakes.


We stan weirdly timed updates

Honestly no idea what this was lol... very random with like no storyline hope you enjoyed it anyways and have a great day :)


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