Part 22

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Natasha's POV:

*Day 25*

I sit on the couch with a now slightly moving Lydie on my lap, her fever has gone down but her cough is worse then before and her nose is so stuffed up it's almost impossible for her to breath out of her nose. Her nostrils are red and raw from blowing and she moans and grabs her head each time she coughs. Her head rolls around on my arm as she continues to curl up to me and refuse to move.

"Все в порядке, детка. С тобой все будет в порядке." (It's alright, baby. You'll be alright) I coo to her as she whimpers slightly in her half-sleep state.

Steve sets down a cup of coffee on the coffee table in front of me, I give him a grateful smile before he kisses my cheek and strokes Lydie's face with one finger before heading back to doing whatever it was he was doing before.

*Day 27*

Lydie has started to feel better over the past couple days, her appetite is back and she can stay awake for more than 5 minutes which is a huge relief. If she didn't start eating something soon I think I would have had a heart attack.

Lydie is currently mesmerized by Peter Pan which is playing on the large TV in the living room, I'm cuddled up to Steve's side with a blanket draped over the two of us as we both pay more attention to the expressions on Lydie's face then the film playing in front of us. I laugh lightly when her mouth drops open, Steve's hand runs along my waist protectively while holding me close. I guess I've forgiven him by now.

"Какого черта он это сделал?" (Why the hell would he do that?) Lydie mutters angrily at the TV.

"Привет! Следи за своим языком, мисс!" (Hey! Watch your language, missy!) I scold her light heartedly. She ignores me and continues watching the screen making me chuckle.

Steve gives me a confused look before saying quietly into my ear, "You know it's really not fair that I don't understand half the things you two say to each other."

I smirk before whispering back, "That's the point, babe." I turn my face and his so I can kiss his cheek before refocusing on Lydie and whatever it is that Peter and Wendy are doing.

Apparently a certain super soldier thinks this is the perfect time to attack my neck with kisses and my stomach with his fingers tickling me in the exact right place making me squirm. He covers my mouth with one of his hands as I let out a small squeal when he doesn't stop. Eventually I get out of his grasp, I crawl over to the other side of the couch as he grabs my ankle and tries to pull me back to him. I grab Lydie's waist and pull her around to use as a shield, Steve automatically puts his hands up in surrender when Lydie makes little guns with her fingers.

I laugh at the determined look on her face as she leaps out of my arms and tackles Steve to the ground.

*Day 30*

"What are you talking about, Tony?" I ask him through the phone while I munch on an apple in the kitchen.

"Ross." He says simply, like it clears up everything.

I roll my eyes before saying in an annoyed tone, "I know Ross, but what exactly is it that he did?" I take another bite of my apple and slowly chew as I think about what it is Stark could possibly be talking about.

"I've been going to see Yelena. She said he's been trying to recruit ex Red Room trainees for some government thing. Of course he failed because all ex Red Room trainees are dead." Tony scoffs at the last part.

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