Part 5

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Natasha's POV:

I wake up to the sound of the quinjet engines whirling, the feeling of a soft finger drawing circles on my hand, and the music of Steve's voice cradling my senses. I let my head fall in the direction of his voice as a small smiles creeps its way onto my face as I open my eyes a crack.

"Hey," He smiles at me and leans down to kiss my forehead. "How you feeling?" He asks when he pulls back and looks into my eyes.

"Like I got blown up 4 times." I mumble and shift uncomfortably on the medical bed of the quinjet.

Steve chuckles lightly and raises my non-splinted hand and brings it up to his lips. I take this opportunity and close my eyes again as I take a deep, shaky breath as my ribs and lungs protest the entire time.

"How are you?" I ask quietly, just now realizing how sore and dry my throat is.

"I'm fine, Nat." He replies a little too quickly, I narrow my eyes at him as I study is his face.

"Friday?" I ask the AI while staring Steve straight in the eyes.

"Captain Rogers has 2 broken ribs, a badly reset shoulder, mild concussion, a hairline fracture of his left humerus, and several cuts in need of stitches." Her robotic voice replies.

"Snitch," Steve mumbles under his breath but I hear him.

"Steve," I say extremely disappointed.

I go to sit up on the bed but Steve gives me a look that says, 'Stay in bed or I'll hold you down.' I give him one back that says, 'I'd like to see you try.' Eventually he takes a step back with his hands up, he winces at the gesture and puts one arm back down by his side. I raise an eyebrow at him and he shrugs his one good shoulder.

I push myself up to a sitting position with my good hand as my other stays close to my chest at a 90 degree angle while clutching my ribs. I grunt as my entire body disagrees with my actions, I look up to see Steve smirking victoriously at me.

"Oh, shut up," I say and go to push myself to my feet just to be pushed gently back down.

"I didn't say anything!" Steve defends himself while keeping a steady hand on my shoulder to keep me from standing up. "Come on, you'll tear your stitches."

Rolling my eyes I stop fighting and instead look around our surroundings. Nothing on the quinjet has changed really, medical is still in the same corner while the rest of the team huddles in small groups throughout. Clint at the wheel, Tony talking his ear off beside him, Wanda and Bucky in the corner while Rhodey, Sam, and Thor chat opposite of them. Really this is the normal set up except the people in the medical corner rotate. Someone always ends up in the medical corner.

"We'll be there soon, Cap." Clint calls from the cockpit. Steve nods in acknowledgement before sitting down beside me, I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes as he wraps an arm around me and kisses my hair. I turn my head to look up at him and smile as he leans down and connects our lips in a sweet kiss.

"Where are we going exactly?" I ask once we part.

"Grey Sloan," Steve replies, I open my mouth to protest but he beats me too it, "I know what you're going to say, and no, you're not fine." I roll my eyes but don't say anything else as I know it's useless to argue.

We continue flying for probably another 20 minutes before we land and Steve and I are ushered off the jet and into the hospital. Steve and I walk the halls, as we come up to the nurses station Jaqueline, the normal nurse on call for this time of day, raises an eyebrow as we walk up.

"I had a feeling we'd be seeing you two today." She says when we reach the desk.

"Hello, to you too, Jaqueline." I reply with a roll of my eyes.

"Exam room, C. She'll be in in a couple minutes." With that she looks back to the computer, we thank her and walk towards the room she told us to wait in.

We walk in and both sit on the exam table, I bring my left leg up so that my now very swollen ankle is sitting on Steve's lap. We talk for a minute before the door opens to see a very disappointed face with 2 charts in her hands.

"Either you two really like me, or you do more reckless stuff in a week than most people do in a lifetime." Dr Callie Torres states as she sets the charts down on the countertop.

"What can I say, you're my favourite orthopaedic surgeon." I reply with a small, slightly sarcastic smile on my face.

Dr Torres's POV:

Of course they're back. Can't go 2 weeks without seeing one of them in here. I grab the charts and walk into the exam room, after a quick interaction I walk over to Natasha's leg which had been moved onto the table as I walked in.

"Wow, that's swollen." I mutter as I unwrap her ankle. "Scans, please." I say already knowing they have every scan I would possibly need done. Steve passes them to me and I hold them up to the light. "It looks like it's just a sprain, how'd it happen this time?"

Natasha hold up one hand and counts off on her fingers. "Grenade, grenade, grenade, and, what was it again? Oh right, grenade." I raise an eyebrow at them both. "I'll rest and ice my ankle, won't use my wrist, and will barely move for the ribs. I know the drill."

"Yeah, actually do those things. Please. I don't want to see either of you again." I look over to the captain, "Make sure she does those things."

He nods his head as he responds, "Will do, Doc." Natasha elbows him in the side and he continues, "Apparently I am incapable of re-setting my own shoulder."

Raising an eyebrow at him I gesture for him to sit down as I walk around the table so I'm at his back. Natasha hands me the scans of his shoulder and I almost wince at the sight. I slowly lift his arm out to the side and he tenses, "You ready?" I ask him, he nods and so I count down. "3, 2," Before I get to one I jerk his arm and should back into the more natural position with a satisfying crack and pop.

"Son of a-" He cries out. "What happened to 1?"

"It's better when you don't see it coming." I reply before continuing to treat them both.

Clint's POV:

Once we dropped Nat and Steve off at the hospital we did a couple large loops of New York before heading back for the tower. We land and unload the jet before heading our separate ways, Tony goes to stop Peter from burning down the tower, Wanda and Bucky go to watch sitcoms in the living room, Thor gets ready to go back to Asgard, a few people go to train, and the rest all retreat to their rooms.

I slowly make my way to the kitchen after dropping off my bags and calling Laura. I sit down at the island beside Lydie and watch her for a minute as she watches Tony and Peter in the kitchen. I nudge her lightly and give her a smile when she looks over to me.

"How you doing, kiddo?" I ask her, she shrugs and goes back to watching Morgan steal a cookie off the tray. "Your mom and dad will be back soon. They miss you, you know."

She looks back to me with a small smile on her face, I reach over and grab us both a cookie before swivelling around on my stool to look out at the rest of the tower.

"Goodbye, young Romanoff." Thor booms while waving at Lydie before he calls the bifrost to take him back to Asgard.

Steve's POV:

We walk through the side entrance of the tower and go up the elevator to the common room where Friday told us everyone is.

The elevator doors open to reveal half the team scattered around. "Lydie?" Tasha calls out when she doesn't see her right away.

A second later her long brown locks come flying around the corner as she runs into Natasha's arms. "Мама!"


LOKI TOMORROW LOKI TOMORROW LOKI TOMORROW sorry, if you can't tell im excited lol

A very random chapter lol hope you enjoyed and have a great day!


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