Part 13

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Sam's POV:

Everyone who can't fly and is needed for this mission gets on the jet while those of us who can fly, well... do. Apparently Wanda can just, fly now. Not quite sure when that happened but she looks cool.

Soon enough we near the building and I yell out into the comms, "I'll do a perimeter sweep, stay close." I put on the thrusters so I fly faster through the air, I deploy Redwing and almost immediately after entering the general proximity of the building get shot at. Dodging bullets I cut through the sky and do a 360 with the wings to get down those closest to me before flying back up to get a wider view while sending in the others.

It doesn't take long for missiles to be sent for me, it also doesn't take long for Stark to blow them up a second before they blow me up.

"Your welcome," Stark calls while flying back down to somewhere he wasn't even supposed to be.

The fight continues with me blasting the people on the roof while Wanda and Stark take care of the people down below as Barnes and TicTac head inside to do whatever it is they do. I land on the roof with a soft thump which is immediately followed by more people with more guns shooting at me. Fortunately for me they soon run out of bullets allowing me enough time to karate chop their asses down to Wanda who's standing at the base of the building waiting for them to come flying down so she can toss (I was really tempted to say yeet) them into oblivion.

It seems like everything is about wrapped up, Bucky and Scott exit the building in southeast Nebraska just as the final soldier comes falling to the ground after being thrown 100 ft into the air. Not my preferred method of finishing the job but it will do. Seemingly from out of know where, several military type trucks come barging through the front gates. I eye Bucky suspiciously, why would they be here?

Barnes takes both his lips between his teeth as he crosses his arms and watches the truck unload with American military personnel. "Bucky, what did you do?"

He gives me an offended look, I give him an annoyed one which he just shrugs at as the army has their guns pointed at us. Stepping out of the main vehicle is none other than the biggest pain in the ass to ever walk the earth. Thaddeus freaking Ross.

"Where is Rogers?" He yells out.

"Don't know, barely care." Stark retorts.

Everyone on this side of the battlefield knows how much of a lie that is, but Ross doesn't need to know that.

"What about Romanoff?" He questions, looking around the group for a moment, I decide to reply.

"She's probably in some basement in Russia." I say like it's obvious.

"And the kid?" We all know who he's talking about but it's fun messing with him.

"What kid?" - Wanda

"I know like 6," - Tony

"Gotta be more specific," - Bucky

"My kid?" - Scott

"Yes Scott, the government wants your kid for no reason." - Tony

"Would you shut up?" - Me

I was right, this is fun. As the more strange and rambley our answers get, the more annoyed and impatient Ross becomes. "Just tell me where they are!" He yells causing Wanda to jump slightly in surprise.

"Where who are?" Scott asks.

Ross seems to be getting fed up with us as he gestures to the soldiers he brought to surround us. I take that as our signal to grab everyone who can't fly and get out of there. The quinjet can fly itself back to the tower. Lang goes small and jumps on to my suit while Stark picks up Bucky from the collar of his jacket. Tony sends a repulser blast their way for good measure before quickly flying back in the direction of the tower.

"Hold on, TicTac." I say and jump straight into the air, activating Redwing's thrusters I try to keep up with Stark with Wanda right behind me. Scotts holding onto the pack for dear life and screaming the whole way, Maximoff seems to think it's hilarious but I find it incredibly annoying. We continue making our way back to the tower where I immediately go to play Mario Kart so I can try to beat Clint's record.

Steve's POV:

Natasha and I are just finishing unpacking all of our stuff into the rental house while Lydie is at school when Tony calls me.

"Hey, Tony." I say and open the third to last box.

"Yeah hey, whatever, when are you three coming back cause now Ross is following us on missions." I look up to Nat at his words. We both know we can't go home anytime soon, maybe Tony should just tell Ross where we are so he will leave the others alone.

Natasha gives me a confused and slightly concerned look as I put the phone of speaker so she can hear it too. "What do mean he's following you on missions?" I ask him, Nat's head snaps in my direction at those words.

"I mean he shows with up with half the military right when we are packing up and leaving." Stark explains, Tasha gives me another concerned look and I gesture for her to come closer to me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to my chest. "Steve, we're running out of options here."

I sigh and rest my chin on top of Nat's head as Tasha replies. "Well what do we do? We can't come back, not yet."

There's a pause where no one says anything. Finally, I speak up, "Maybe I should head back, just for a couple days. Be seen in New York that sort of thing."

Natasha looks up to me like I've lost my mind. "Steve-"

I look into her eyes and the look is enough for her to know I'm serious about this. "Send a quinjet to Barton's tomorrow morning." I hang up before Tony can reply, Nat automatically glares at me and steps out of my grasp and walks towards the bedroom.

I walk after her, "Natasha! Tasha!" I call once she's slammed the door in my face. "Come on, Nat! Open the door!" I knock several times before the door suddenly opens mid knock.

"No." She says and slams it again. I sigh and turn around so my back is pressing against the door as I slide down.

"I don't want to go, Nat." I start, I know she's sitting on the other side of the door because I hear the friction of her shirt against the wooden door. "One of us has to make an appearance, Lydie needs you here."

Now the door opens and I fall back, I catch myself before my back hits the floor and I hear an amused chuckle from Natasha as I look up at her with a goofy grin. Tasha ruffles my hair and steps around my body and over my legs, I grab her wrist before she can continue any further.

"I know."  She says with a sigh, I pull her down and she leans her back against my chest. "I'm just worried, they're after us too, you know."

"I know," I reply kissing her hair. "I'll be careful. I'll just go to the grocery store or something." She still seems worried, "Baby, it'll be alright."

I kiss her hair again and she turns her head to face me so she's looking up at me. Her eyes flicker to my lips and I take the signal to kiss her lips lightly, almost as if I'm teasing her. Natasha grabs the back of my neck, effectively deepening the kiss as she turns her body around to a more comfortable position. Without breaking the kiss I pick her up and walk us back into the bedroom, closing the door behind me.

Clint's POV:

Why don't I get told anything anymore? First Nat, Steve, and Lydie show up at my house with very little warning, then they move out even more suddenly. And now, now there's a quinjet being sent to my house to take only Rogers back to New York for a maximum of 3 days. What is happening? When did the world go crazy? Probably back in like, 2012 right? You know, when the aliens first came? Or maybe it was in 2008 when Stark decided that metal suits are the best way to live. Okay fine, it was World War 2 when Steve decided drugs are the best way to get buff. Can't we have just like 1 normal year around here?


Yoyoyo so the Clint's POV was strictly an inner rant at 1am and I doubt any of it made sense lol

Congratulations to the class of 2021 you survived!

On that note I really hope this chapter was ok and have an amazing day:)


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