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I wanted to give you this now instead of making you wait, so here it is. The very last bit of this book, enjoy

*4 months later*

Natasha's POV:

I close my eyes as another contraction hits, biting my lip to hold in my groan I grip the bedrail and rock on the balls of me feet. I went into labor at 36 and a half weeks, 4 weeks early, and have been in labor for about 6 hours already but am only 4 centimetres dilated.

"Nat?" Steve walks closer, I grunt in response and he places a hand beside mine on the rail. I grab it and squeeze so hard I would be worried about breaking it if he wasn't a super soldier.

Finally I let out a noise of pain when, the contraction starts to subside, I stare Steve directly in the eyes and yell very loudly. "Ты сделал это со мной, сукин сын. Я убью тебя, блядь, засранец! Я так чертовски ненавижу тебя прямо сейчас. Какого черта я спал с тобой? Ты выглядишь как большой кусок дерьма!" (Translation in the comments cause theres A LOT of swearing in this and it isn't super appropriate lmao. If you understand the reference at the end, I love you)

Steve looks back at me slightly scared, scratch that, terrified as he replies. "I don't know what you're saying but I feel threatened."

"Good." I reply through gritted teeth right before the door to my room opens and my OB/GYN, Dr Carina Deluca, walks in.

"How are we doing, Natasha?" She asks with her thick Italian accent.

"È troppo tardi per tornare indietro nel tempo e non rimanere incinta?" (Is it too late to go back in time and not get pregnant?) I look over to the doctor who looks back at me shocked.

"You speak Italian?" She asks while I climb back in bed and get in position so she can check my cervix.

Steve answers for me as the uncomfortable feeling of her checking how dilated I am returns. "She speaks a lot of languages."

"Okay, Natasha, you are still at about 4 centimetres." I groan in annoyance and cover my face with my hands. "How far apart are the contractions? How long do they last?"

I, once again,  let Steve answer as Deluca walks over to the monitors, looking slightly concerned. "About 3 minutes apart, maybe a minute long. Why?" Steve seems to have picked up on the look too.

"What's wrong? What happened? Is he okay?" I ask very panicked, I sit up in bed and wrap my arm around my large bump.

The doctor looks back over to Steve and then me, "The baby seems to be in a little bit of distress, I'm going to need you to turn on your side until the heart rate comes back up."

I bite my lip and furrow my brows in worry as I turn over onto my side as I was instructed. Deluca places an oxygen mask over my face, Steve squeezes my hand lightly and I squeeze back just as another contraction hits, I squeeze his hand harder as I cuss loudly in Russian. Doctor Deluca monitors the baby throughout the contraction, once she's satisfied that both of us are going to be okay she leaves me to go check on other patients.

Steve walks to the other side of the bed and squats down so it's easier for me to look at him, "Everything's going to be fine, baby. He's going to be perfect." He says the last bit while rubbing a comforting hand over my stomach, the baby returns the gesture by kicking me hard in the ribs making me groan. Steve chuckles and kisses my forehead as he continues to rub my belly and whisper to the baby.

I run my fingers through his long golden locks as I admire this side of him. My stomach clenches and so does my hand around Steve's hair, I groan and close my eyes as the contraction continues to get more intense and more painful. I hear Steve make a pained noise as I continue to pull at his hair, I completely ignore him as I try to not outright scream in pain. This is unlike any pain I've experienced since joining Shield, this comes and goes and waves and only gets more painful. All this pain just to blow a Saint Bernard out my ass.

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