Part 4

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Steve's POV:

I pull us down and behind the shield once again at the last possible second, we must have triggered some form of trap that sets off a machine gun as there was no person, or robot, there a second ago. Why do we keep getting shot at? Can't there just be one mission where nothing goes wrong and everything goes smoothly? I guess not as this gun isn't stopping and Tasha seems to be in more and more pain with every bullet that hits the shield.

When the metals finally stop making contact with each other I wait a couple of seconds before ducking out only to see a nearly pitch black room with a single machine gun in the centre, pointed at the doorway.

"So that's how they were shooting us," I mumble as Tasha stumbles forward in to the room where she does a quick scan of the perimeter before heading to the computers in the back corner while I reset my dislocated shoulder before getting to work on dismantling the gun.

"Sam, status update?" I ask into the comms as I follow a wire that is attached to the barrel of the gun.

"Almost there," He replies before there's a loud thump just outside the door. I point the barrel of the gun to the ceiling as I'm not sure if I've disabled the trap yet or not.

Spoiler alert; I haven't.

I take a step back as it continues to blast metal bullets into the ceiling. Nat looks back at me at the noise and I give her a small shrug as her line of sight follows the bullets into the ceiling, Sam steps into the room and does the same thing as he helps me to dismantle the gun.

"That ceiling isn't going to last very long" Tasha yells over the noise. She's right, slowly a crack is forming in the ruff, concrete ceiling. It's going to come down, and it's going to bring us down with it.

"Guys, you gotta get outta here. Fast." Sam says into the comms once the gun stops. I spot a large wooden door and cautiously walk over to it with my shield out in front of me incase there's another one of those traps on the other side of the door.

I quickly open the door and duck behind the shield, when nothing comes I lift my head to see a room very different from where we all are. It's brightly lit with white plaster walls and grey tiles on the floor, one wall is covered in computers that seem to be working on something big, another is filled with large screens with security camera footage while the remaining walls are blank. Facing the tv's is a large wooden chair with a big hunk of metal sitting on it. With further inspection I realize it's a robot that looks an awfully lot like Ultron, except powered off and completely limp.

"It really is just a robot." I mutter before flinging my shield as hard as I can at its neck, taking the head straight off the robot. "Stark? I got it." I say into the comms before I pick up the head of the robot along with the body and slowly make my way out the door where Nat and Sam have already started making their way out of the quickly collapsing building.

I hand Sam the robot parts and pick up Tasha bridal style as it will be quicker with her injuries and the fact that she looks like she is about to pass out at any moment. I'm not feeling so great either, probably broke a couple ribs in those blasts. Not the time to think about that, we just gotta get out of here.


A couple stones fall from the ceiling and Nat passes out in my arms.

Tony's POV:

"Capsicle, you gotta get out of there!" I yell, I've gotten all the information I can off of these computers before the ground below me started to shake and fall away. Everyone else is out of the building, it should just be Sam, Natasha, and Steve left in there.

"Where's Wanda?" Bucky suddenly cries out, panic evident in his voice as he frantically searches his surroundings.

"Friday?" I ask the AI.

She pauses for a moment before her robotic voice reluctantly answers. "Ms Maximoff is at the centre of the warehouse."

Curses are muttered all around us as Barnes starts sprinting towards the building just to be blocked by Rhodey who wont let him within 50 feet of the door.

"Unless you want this building to collapse and kill us all, I suggest you shut the hell up!" Wanda yells over comms, her voice slowly getting louder and her Sokovian accent shining through more and more with each word.

Bucky backs down but doesn't calm down, his hands go to his hair as he pulls at it while Rhodey attempts to comfort him.

"Friday, how's the structural integrity of the building and what's a safe distance for when it collapses?" I quietly ask as I take off in the sky to give her a better view of the large metal warehouse.

Calculations and essential points of the building fill my screens as the AI answers, "Structural integrity 48% and falling. Minimum safe distance," She pauses as she does the calculations, "No less than 100 meters in all directions."

"Great so we gotta evacuate what, 300 feet in the next 5 minutes when Wanda can't hold it anymore. That's just great." My focus lands on the 2 figures running up several flights of stairs but 3 heat signatures, The larger of the signatures is carrying the smallest of them while the third is holding something I can't recognize. They are almost out of the building when I say, "They're almost out, someone get some form of medical." And then they burst out of the building.

Once everyone is safely tucked away on the quinjet we take off and get just far enough away from the building that it wont swallow us with it when it falls. Wanda has been working with Nat and Steve on controlling her powers so the building comes down as smoothly as possible, smothered with a scarlet coating of mind-stone-magic. Then we circle back to grab Wanda and take off in the direction of New York.

Peter's POV:

"Okay, so I know you miss your Mom and Dad but I promise I'm great too." It turns out, it's a lot harder to convince an 8 year old who's been to hell and back to trust you then I thought. So far we've played Mario Kart, gone to the park, she read Shakespeare while I read Harry Potter, I helped her with homework, played Uno, more Mario Kart, and now we are attempting to make cookies while Morgan stands beside me with the fire extinguisher ready.

Lydie doesn't seem very convinced as I scrap the first batch of cookie dough, turns out sugar and salt look very similar. Who thought it was a good idea to put them in identical jars right beside each other? Doesn't matter. What matters is making Lydie feel as comfortable as possible around different people, this weekend that person happens to be me.

I lean halfway over the kitchen island and give Lydie a small smile as she fiddles with her thumbs on her stool, "Иногда быть напуганным - это нормально." (It's okay to be scared sometimes.) Her head snaps up sharply as I speak Russian to her, "Твоя мама научила меня, когда я только переехал." (Your mom taught me when I first moved in.) I explain, she nods her head and looks back to her hands. I sigh before turning to Morgan, "Butter," I say and she sticks a stick of butter into my open palm as we get to work on re-starting these chocolate chip cookies.

Lydie's POV:

Я хочу, чтобы она никогда не уходила. Я бы хотел, чтобы она не оставила меня с этими людьми. Я бы хотел, чтобы моя жизнь была проще. Я просто хочу быть нормальным.


I feel like this had a little more structure then the last couple... idk, thoughts?

Also if any of the Russian is wrong I'm sorry, I used google translate

Thanks for reading and have a great day luvs:)


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