Part 12

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Another late update i'm so sorry! it's my last week of school and so far ive had 2 test and given a really big presentation and ive just been really stressed, that with the mix of have 0 inspiration isn't exactly a great combination. thank you so much for barring with me i really hope you enjoy

Tony's POV:

"No no, you're not listening to me." I say extremely frustrated. I run a hand down my face before continuing. "I'm telling you, Steve Roger is not-" I'm cut off before I can finish.

"Mr Stark, is it true that the Avengers kidnapped a 10 year old?" A random reporter shouts out.

I stare at them with my mouth slightly agape from the shock before I compose myself enough to answer. "N-no, of course not. Why would you even think that?"

They shrug slightly, "All evidence points towards it. This kid kind of just showed up out of nowhere and no one know's who she is."

"I'll tell you who she is." Cap says from the doorway, scaring every reporter in the room when he speaks. "That little kid that you're accusing us of kidnapping, she's my daughter." Immediately a buzz fills the room. "The full story is extremely long so I'm not going to bore you with the details. 9 months ago, a mission in Russia went sideways, causing Romanoff and Barnes to be trapped. A young trainee at the centre they were infiltrating, Lydie, saved them and almost got herself killed in the process. To make a long story short; she survived and now she's here."

The reporters start screaming out accusations, truthfully I'm surprised Cap came back at all. From what I've heard from the three, life had been going pretty well for the small family.

Steve walks closer to me and I stand up meeting him away from the microphones, "What happened, Steve?" I ask, confusion dripping from my words.

"The official adoption was finalized. They can't take her away now." I smile at the news, "Also, some other stuff happened." I raise an eyebrow at him silently asking for more details. He gives me a look that explains it all and I smile again at him and pat his arm in support.

"Congrats, Cap."

I guess we should fill you in on the past 6 months huh?

*6 months ago*

Natasha's POV:

I sit on the edge of Lydie's bed in Clint and Laura's house, "I don't know how long we're going to be here, monkey." I say truthfully while stroking her hair. It's been about 2 weeks since we got here and this house was definitely not built for 8 people. She looks up at me sadly and I stroke her cheek with my thumb. "Поспи, Лид. Спокойной ночи, я люблю тебя." (Get some sleep, Lyd. Goodnight, I love you.)

"Спокойной ночи мама. Я люблю вас." (Goodnight, mom. I love you.) I smile at her and kiss her forehead before standing up and closing the door behind me, leaving it open just a crack.

Steve is standing outside the door and engulfs me in a hug when he sees the exhaustion on my face. We head into the other spare bedroom and I immediately flop onto the bed so I'm facing the ceiling.

Steve lies down much more gracefully than I did and moves my hair off of the side of my neck, giving his lips access to the delicate skin. He kisses my neck and I close my eyes and bite my lower lip slightly as his lips linger for another moment before moving to a different spot on my neck. "Have you found anything?" I force myself ask and Steve grunts in negative. I grab a handful of his hair and pull his head up to look at me.

"There was a 2 bedroom apartment in the city but it's way out of our price range. Also we don't want to be in the city, right?" He replies now willingly looking into my eyes. I let go of his hair and trace his jaw line lightly with my index finger.

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