Part 19

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Peter's POV:

*Day 1*

I wake up at 5:03 on the dot to Lydie staring directly at me from the shadows. I scream when I see just her shape, my cry must have scared her as she screams to and then we're both screaming and I'm surprised the non existent neighbours can't hear us.

"Lydie, what are you doing?" I ask her as I rub my eyes and adjust to the small bit of light coming into my room from the window.

"I had a nightmare." She replies quietly, "Usually I go to мама but..." She trails off and looks to the floor.

"Come here." I pat the spot beside me on the bed, Lydie gladly climbs into bed and hugs a pillow to her chest while clutching the chicken stuffy that Steve got her. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She automatically shakes her head before seemingly drifts back to sleep.

I sigh and stroke her hair lightly before falling back asleep myself.

*Day 3*

Lydie has climbed into my bed at some point each night, making me wonder just how many nightmares she has. She still hasn't told me about any of them and I can't really blame her, I just think it'd be good for her to open up a little bit.

We sit on the porch outside the house, waiting for Nat to arrive any second. Lydie pops the final bit of her toast into her mouth just as the quinjet uncloaks while hovering over the small clearing and lands right in front of us. Lydie jumps up to meet her mother when the ramp lowers, revealing Natasha in a deep red, very oversized Shield hoodie, which I'm pretty sure is/was Steves, and a pair of black jeans. I stand up and loosely watch the reunion before heading inside.

After a little while Natasha walks into the kitchen to where I am sitting. "How you doing, Pete?" She asks me while wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I nod my head and look over to her, "Pretty good, the school work has given me something to do but not much." Nat chuckles at my response before I ask her in a more lowered voice, "How's everything going with... you know." I don't actually say it incase Lydie is around the corner, quietly listening to our conversation.

Natasha sighs and runs a hand through her long, fiery, red hair. "Not great," She answers simply while studying her hands. "Bucky's getting that cat he's been wanting."

I raise my eyebrows at her, "Really? How'd he convince Tony to let him get one?" I ask generally interested, Tony hates cats. Or at least he says he does.

"I don't think he did." She pauses as a small smile comes to her face, "He's taking Wanda to the shelter today, we'll see how long it takes for Stark to notice there's a cat in the tower."

I chuckle lightly and look out the window as I remember how Lydie keeps waking up with nightmares and crawling into my bed for comfort.

"What's wrong, Peter?" Nat places a gentle hand on my back while I watch the trees sway gently in the wind.

"Did Lydie ever," I pause before continuing, "Did she ever have nightmares?" I look back to Nat who nods slightly, seeming to sense where I'm going. "She's snuck into my room 3 nights in a row because she had a nightmare. She wont, she wont tell me what they're about."

Natasha's face goes pale and doesn't respond for a good 10 seconds, "They're the same. They're always, the same."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as she walks away towards where I assume Lydie is.

Lydie's POV:

*Day 8*

Madam B stands in front of our small group, baton in one hand, mallet in the other. None of us want to be on the receiving end of either of them. In the corner are the mats, really just there for decoration as they are filled to the brim with concrete, making any and all falls ten times more painful than they would normally be.

My back tenses when I glance towards the mats as I remember the events of the day before. My eyes snap back to Madam B as she takes a step towards me, my shoulders roll back and I stand slightly taller while clenching my teeth in the most discreet way I know how.

"Mattens. Jetzt." (Mats. Now.) She says in German, it's one of my newer languages so it takes me a moment to translate it in my head. Apparently it's a moment too long as her baton harshly strikes my cheek making me step back.

'Выпрямите спину, ходите целеустремленно.' (Straighten your back, walk with purpose) I silently remind myself as I resist the urge to rub my cheek.

I'm paired with an older girl, Inessa, my small 7 year old body looks absolutely tiny compared to her larger 12 year frame. Inessa is nothing like her name, she is harsh, and cruel. And famous in my class for doing more then is necessary to win a fight. With her, it's kill or be killed.

Madam B starts the fight, guards watching for any slip ups while I feel the rest of the girls staring into my skull as they already know what is about to happen.

Inessa throws a quick, fast punch that I just manage to duck under but as I do, she knees me square in the nose. I resist the urge to cry out when I hear a loud crack and feel the blood start to drip drown my face. Quickly wiping it away I find myself running gingerly towards the older girl, I manage to get in a couple of punches to her jaw and chest before I kick her as hard as I can in the stomach. Inessa screeches angrily before sending more punches, and kicks than I can block sending me straight onto the concrete floor. She pulls a knife out of her back pocket and I gulp, knowing this is how my life is going to end.

Inessa's hand hurls towards my face, I roll out of the way at the last second as the metal of her knife makes contact with the fabric covering the concrete. Her hand snaps back as her opposite fist makes contact with my jaw, sending my head smashing into the hard ground. I close my eyes for half a second as the pain consumes me and the ringing starts in my ears. This is not how I want to die. This is not how I want to go out.

My small arms reach up as Inessa forcefully brings both her hands down to my chest, clutching the knife like it's her prized possession I hold her arms off  about an inch from making contact with my skin. Grunting, I calculate her movements and strength to see how long I have until my impending doom. In possibly my last couple seconds of life, I twist my arm so my hand can grab the blade, stupidly this makes me loose focus of  keeping the knife out of my skin but it redirects it away from my heart and straight into my shoulder.

I let a small gasp escape my lips and Inessa smirks as she clearly winds up to knock the life straight out of me. Literally. I reach towards the blade in my shoulder and ruffly tug it out of my shoulder, sending it straight into the side of Inessa's neck right before her metal rings make contact with my skin

Her legs crumple as her hand goes to where the knife is sticking into the soft flesh of the side of her neck. I stare in horror as her body goes limp and lands right beside me. Tears flood my vision as my breathing grows rapid and raged.

"Молодец, дитя." (Well done, child) Madam B states as the guards drag away Inessa's body, leaving a small pool of blood and a track as they go. Then there's a smack across my cheek.

I sit up straight in bed, sweat running down my face and my sheets thrown everywhere, just like they are every night. I hug Mr. Kuritsa close to my chest as tears form in eyes and I look to the clock, 3:26am. I close my eyes tightly and trudge down the hall to Peter's room, the only place I can sleep without мама and папа and have a peaceful sleep.


Welp... this hurt so much i am so sorry

@LSwan I hate you for wanting Lydie trauma

Is there anything you guys want to see in this story? I need some suggestions on getting to where I need it to go

Also: Black Widow, I have seen it and that post credit scene BROKE ME
Loki Finale: Yay theres gonna be a season 2! NO there wasn't a post credit scene! IDK HOW I FEEL ABOUT SYLVIE AND LOKI BUT NO SPOILERS FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT PLEASE

Once again i am so sorry and i hope your day gets better after reading this imma go cry into my pillow bye-


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