Part 18

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Natasha's POV:

We've been flying for a long time, trying to figure out a safe place to land. Somewhere that is easily accessible yet hidden from everybody. Somewhere Peter can keep Lydie safe while Steve and I figure everything out with the government.

Tony called to yell at Steve for taking Peter about an hour ago, once Steve was able to get a single word out about Ross and channel 6 news he seemed to understand as he hung up the phone immediately after.

Steve sits on the seat directly across from Lydie, I'm sitting beside him with my head resting on his shoulder as his arm wraps around my waist protectively. Peter is trying to distract Lydie but I can tell neither of them are very into it. Steves hand absentmindedly rubs my side as I curl my legs up to my chest as I watch our daughter play Candy Crush (i play way to much candy crush don't judge me) on Peter's phone. I breath a sigh when I go back to thinking about everything that is happening in our little world.

"What's wrong, baby?" Steve asks quietly against my hair as he presses gentle kisses to the area.

I look up to him before gazing back to the children in front of us. "We need to sort this out. Fast." He hums his agreement and if it's possible, he pulls me even closer.

Peter looks up at us with a worried expression written all over his face. Any other person wouldn't have been able to hear our conversation, but with Peters increased hearing, I'm not surprised that he picked it up with such ease. I motion him over to us as I stand up, pulling Steve to his feet the three of us walk to the other side of the quinjet so Lydie wont accidentally overhear us.

"What's the plan?" Peter asks softly, still keeping his voice low for the sake of the 8 year old not far away.

"We drop you and Lydie at an old Shield safe house that no one ever uses," I start while looking between the tiny Russian girl, the American teenager, and the super soldier from another time. "I doubt anyone would even check there since it's basically been abandoned for the past 20 years."

"You two will stay there for a little while," Steve continues for me, "Nat and I will rotate coming everyday but for the most part we need to be seen together and in New York."

Peter bites his bottom lip as he looks towards Lydie who is getting frustrated with the mobile game, "But what about-"

I cut him off before he can finish as I already know what he's going to say, "We'll bring you your school work as it comes. As far as anyone knows, you are Tony's intern and you follow him around the world. Stark's agreed to stay indoors for a while and I believe he has even tipped off some paparazzi in Venice."

Peter gulps and looks to the floor, "So this isn't going to just..." He trails off as he looks back to us with a sad expression.

"Probably not, Pete." Steve puts a hand on the shorter teenagers shoulder and gives it a light squeeze as he looks into his chocolate brown eyes. "We'll bring Ned and MJ over sometime soon, and you can keep touch with everybody. It'll be like a vacation, just one that you're babysitting on." Steve tries to make him feel better but I can tell he isn't helping.

"You'll have contact with everybody and the house is set up so you can work on any projects you have." Steve drops his hand as I walk closer to the boy and lightly grasp his elbows. "I know this sucks, we just..." I trail off and shake my head slightly before continuing my thought, "We don't know what else to do Peter."

Peter nods and I pull him into a hug which he gratefully accepts, wrapping his surprisingly muscular teenage arms around my body he burry's his face in my neck while I sigh and hold him tightly as he attempts to stiffle a sob. Key word there is attempt.

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