Part 10

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Enjoy my dog majestically walking in a sunset lol

Global Mail: Top headline

Avenger's reportedly furious with US immigration laws and no one knows why
Read on for more.

Two (2) months ago Captain Rogers and Natasha Romanoff's relationship was revealed to the public. Since that time several Avengers have been photographed and seen walking the streets of New York with a seemingly female child of about 10 years of age.

Who is this young girl? What importance does she play? Is she involved in the dispute between the superhero's and the American government?

Yesterday, an insider at the organization known as Shield reported yelling about issues with immigration by Captain Rogers. The conversation reportedly involved the secretary of state, along with several counsel members and at least one (1) other Avenger.

Who were they arguing about? How will this issue pan out? With so many unanswered questions, it's hard to know for sure.
Stay tuned for more updates as the situation progresses.

See related:
Which Avengers are dating?
Tony Stark has officially lost it (Opinion)
10 reasons the Avengers do more harm then good (Opinion)
The spy and the soldier, why they are a terrible idea (Opinion)
8 reasons all Avengers should couple up with each other

Natasha's POV:

"You sure I can't just leave the truck here and drive the rest of the way with you guys?" Steve asks me as we get ready to head back onto the road.

"Steve," I reply and place one hand on his cheek as I stare into those ocean blue eyes of his. "We've been over this, it doesn't make sense to leave the truck. What if one of us needs to get back to New York quickly."

He furrows his eyebrows at me slightly confused. "Then we'd be in a lot of trouble, it's a 16 hour drive."

"We'll meet for lunch, there should be a rest stop in Collinsville, Illinois." I give him a small smile as he puts his hands on my waist and pouts.

"But that's like 5 and a half hours away." He whines, I pat his cheek lightly and he looks at me sadly. "Drive safe, love." He says finally giving in that I'm not going to let him come with us.

"You too, baby." I reply and pull his face down for a quick kiss before he pulls away and gives Lydie a hug goodbye right before we get into our separate vehicles and drive in the same direction.

To try to make this stretch of the drive more enjoyable for both Lydie and I, I plug my phone into the car and start blasting my throwback playlists. It's got a mix of 90's, early 2000's and some 2010's thrown in there for good measure. Really it's all the music you listen to on repeat when you think no one else is around to judge your music choices.

"When the sun shines we'll shine together!" I sing along, trying to hype Lydie into singing with me.

"Told you I'd be here forever," She sings along with me making a big grin come across my face. I lean over and press the record button on the car so I can send this to Steve later.

"Said I'll always be your friend. Took an oath, I'ma stick it out 'til the end." We sing the chorus at the top of our lungs and Lydie starts to dance slightly in her seat, I move along with her. "Now that it's raining more than ever. Know that we'll still have each other,"

We keep screaming, "Are. You. Ready?" I ask right before the most iconic part of the song comes on, "You can stand under my umbrella. You can stand under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh." We keep doing this with the rest of the song, and the next 12 songs that come on before my voice feels like it might die and Lydie is practically shaking in her seat.

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