Part 25

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The rumours are true! I'm alive! What up my fellow romanogers obsessed peeps?

Steve's POV:

I can't believe we are back here so soon. How has Ross not figured it out yet? We've been back at the tower for 2 days now. Maybe he's on Holiday? I'm not sure, trying to be optimistic I guess. It's Christmas eve today and the tower was completely transformed over the couple days that Tasha, Lydie and I weren't here. The Avengers 'A' on the outside of the building has been surrounded by Christmas lights, there's a massive tree in the common room, the lobby is beautifully decorated, and I'm pretty sure there isn't a single room in the tower that doesn't have some form of winter holiday related item. Despite everything around us, and people constantly reassuring that Ross isn't going to come to the tower in the next few days and that everything will be perfectly fine, I still feel anxious and can't settle down. God I hope they're right. But of course, they never are.

"Good morning, love." I peck Natasha's lips as she walks into the kitchen with Lydie, "Morning, kiddo!" I give Lydie a high five before I hand them both a plate of pancakes and bacon.

I slide the maple syrup across the counter to Lydie as she sits down and starts scarfing down her drowning pancakes. Tasha wraps her arms around my waist and I wrap one around her shoulders and flip a pancake on the griddle, she takes the spatula from me and loads 6 more pancakes onto the already large stack of 8 I had set out for Peter.

I raise an eye at her, how can that kid possibly eat 14 pancakes? "Peter eats a lot more than you think. When was the last time there was leftovers?"

I nod in understanding and load 4 more onto his plate, "Good point."

Peter comes around the corner a minute later, he thanks me for the pancakes and sits down next to Lydie while he pours half the jar of maple syrup onto the fluffy golden brown pile of carbs. Nat, Lydie and I watch him eat all 18 pancakes in under 6 minutes in silence before Lydie says something.

"D-do you want more?" She stutters while blinking rapidly as she stares at his empty plate.

"Yes, actually." Peter replies, I walk over to the griddle and flip three more onto his plate while putting a couple on different plates for different people as they file into the room.

Natasha is finishing off her last pancake when she asks, "What's on the agenda today, Stark?"

Tony looks at his watch and then back at all of us in our pyjamas before responding with zero emotion, "There's a press conference in 20 minutes, Peter has a presentation in one of the labs, a tour group will be getting a tour of our floors in an hour, and Fury has decided to walk in at this very second." We all turn immediately towards the elevator, when it doesn't open after a couple of seconds we look back to him. "I'm kidding. I'm streaming the Star Wars Christmas special at 7 on ABC."

Everybody stares at him for a moment before Wanda speaks up, "W-why?"

"Because I can." He responds with a shrug as he sips his coffee and walks out of the room.

After a minute or two people start talking about random things, Thor came back to earth last night so he's catching up with everybody about everything, Clint and his whole family came for the holidays, and even Quill came back from doing whatever it is he does in space. Basically, the tower is hectic and everybody needs to take advantage of every second of peace they have, especially since everybody who has been in the tower lately kept forgetting to buy poptarts for Thor.

Natasha grabs her and Lydie's plates and put them in the dishwasher before she kisses my cheek and Lydie's head before announcing. "I'm gonna go train, join if you want!" She yells the last bit over her shoulder as she walks towards the elevator.

A couple minutes later, Morgan, Peter, Lydie, Lila, Cooper, and Nate all leave to have a Mario Kart tournament so I go up to floor 79 which has now been transformed into basically an apartment for Lydie, Nat and I. I change into workout close and head down to the training rooms, which are all completely empty since the tower is closed, I walk into the Avengers training room to see Natasha blasting very explicit music while aggressively punching a punching bag. As I walk cautiously closer to her I suddenly burst out laughing.

Startled, Tasha turns around with sweat pouring down her face and breathing heavily. "What the hell, Steve?!"

I try to control my breathing as I look between her and the bag. "Y-you seriously pu-put a pi-picture of Ross on the p-punching bag?" I wheeze  out while pointing to the bag and looking at her.

Natasha shrugs before getting back into a fighting stance, "Motivation." She says simply while sending another punch at the sand filled bag hanging from the ceiling.

Natasha's  POV:

I half wake up in Steve's arms with mine wrapped around Lydie. (Imagine a blond super soldier spooning a red head super spy spooning a brunette child assassin) I feel Lydie roll around in my arms with my eyes still closed and I feel Steve breathing heavily on my neck in a slow, even rhythm. Lydie climbs over my body and kicks me in the face while also kneeing me in the ribs. I groan as I grab my nose and feel Steve release his tight grip around my waist as our daughter climbs onto him and starts hitting his chest while yelling for us to wake up.

"Lydie, what time is it?" Steve mumbles into my neck before he rolls over and covers his eyes with his fingers as he rubs the sleep out of them.

I turn over and look at them as Lydie responds. "6:03." Steve groans nuzzles his face back into my neck and pulls me closer. Now it's Lydie's turn to groan as she flops down on top of the both of us.

"Honey, why did you wake us up at 6:03?" I ask while I yawn and feel Steve falling back to sleep, so naturally, I elbow him in the ribs.

"Mean," He mutters, he kisses my neck and turns back to face Lydie.

She has an evil little smirk on her face when she replies to my question, "Last night you two said to wake you up when I wake up and then we can wake everyone else up." Thinking back to last night I do remember that, it's just slightly covered in eggnog and extremely covered in Peter Quill singing All I Want For Christmas Is You completely off key and extremely loudly.

"Alright then, Lydie, you get the Starks, I'll get Barnes, Thor, Quill, Steve you get the Bartons, Wilson, Rhodey if he stayed over, and anyone else in the tower." I say while sitting up and stretching my arms above my head, "Commence operation; Start Christmas As Chaotically As Possible!"

I clap my hands together and Lydie cheers while jumping up off of Steve and running out of the room. The super soldier sits up and attempts to get out of bed but I grab his arm with a smirk on my face, when he looks back in confusion I lean forward and whisper in his ear, "Merry Christmas, baby." I kiss the gentle skin just under his ear before he takes my face in his hands and kisses my lips passionately as my hands explore his bare chest and make their way to the back of his neck.

Steve pulls away and whispers into my ear, "Merry Christmas, love."

Tony's POV:

I gotta say, getting woken up at 6:15am by a very energetic six year old and an extremely excited eight year old on Christmas morning to water balloons being thrown on you is not the most pleasant way to be woken up.

By the time everybody is in the common room and at least slightly caffeinated it's 6:38 and I think the kids might pass out from the anticipation of staring at everything under the tree for the past 10 minutes. We start handing out gifts and everything is going fine, it's loud, it's chaotic, and I want nothing to change. Everything is exactly as it should be until Friday speaks up.

"Boss, there appears to be a breach in security."


Story time: So some of you might have seen my announcement from Monday, I wasn't supposed to be back until Saturday (today). Obviously I was back to be able to post then but I decided to take the rest of the week off from posting and instead mope around the house in my pjs while eating my body weight in junk food. Why? You might ask, to make a long story short, I got kicked out of camp.

Hi! So back to normal posting schedule now, hope youre all doing well:)


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