Part 28

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Steve's POV:

"Natalia Alianova Romanova, will you make me the happiest man in the universe, by marrying me?" I do it. I finally do it. After months of planning I finally did it. And she just stares at me. With a blank expression for exactly 4 seconds before her eyes fill up with tears.

Natasha nods rapidly as she holds out her left hand and yells out "Yes!"

I breath a sigh of relief and stand up, taking the diamond engagement ring out of the box and sliding it onto her ring finger. I kiss her, full of passion and desire as she jumps and wraps her legs around my waist. I bend forward as we continue to celebrate our engagement.

*Meet Jeffery the time skip, he would like to wish you a good day*

I turn on my phone for the first time this morning, I open Apple News and raise my eyebrows at the top article, curious about it all, I open the article and begin the read.

Global Mail:

A Superhero Wedding Is Soon Too Come, by Martha Stuart

There have been many recent speculations that The Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, and Captain America, Steve Rogers, have shacked up. These suspicions have only increased as the couple both shared steamy beach pictures on their social media.

The superhero's have unofficially taken over the care of a child over the last few months, so marriage does not seem out of the question for the two.

So our question to Captain Rogers is;
Did she say yes?

See related:
The Avengers most recent child
Every relationship had by the Avengers
Las Vegas; How the Avengers impacted the city

I laugh lightly at the article and turn off my phone, Natasha walks into the kitchen and I pour her a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, fiancé." I smile happily at her as she walks up to me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Good morning, fiancé." She responds while leaning up on her tippy toes for a kiss, I lean down just a little bit so our lips meet before we break apart as I pour some milk and sugar into Nat's coffee.

"Did you see what's on the news this morning?" I ask her while sipping my coffee.

A small smirk appears on her face, "I did. Stark blew up my phone" Her smirk becomes mischievous, "I left him on read."

I laugh and wrap and arm around her shoulders while pulling her close, "That's my girl." I kiss her  hair and she looks up at me with a smile on her face. I kiss her forehead, then her nose, and finally her lips. "I love you so much, Tasha."

Nat kisses me again and replies, "I love you so much too, Soldier." Pecking my lips once more she turns and faces the ocean as the waves crash into the shore.

Tony's POV:

"So we're all in agreement." I rub my hands in front of me as I look at the rest of the team, "We'll bug them into telling us what those pictures mean until they tell us."

Of course Pepper has to be the responsible one of the group, "Why don't we just, I don't know, wait for them to tell us when they're ready? That is if there is something to tell."

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