Part 29

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Before the last part I just want to say, Chadwick, I can't believe it's already been a year without you. You were an incredible actor, a role model, and although I never got to meet you, you seemed like such a genuine person. You are missed Chadwick, rest in power king. Wakanda Forever.

Elevators part 55, keep it in mind:)

Natasha's POV:

The conversation with Lydie earlier today really just went like this;

"Lydie, we're getting married!" -Steve

"I thought you were already getting married." -Lydie

"We probably would have before but now it's... I don't know, official." -Me

"Yay!" -Lydie, while tackling us to the ground in hugs.

All in all it was a pretty good day, filled with ignoring our friends questions and cuddles with our daughter as I fall asleep in Steve's arms to the even rhythm of his heartbeat and him playing with my hair.

"Goodnight, Tasha." Steve whispers into my ear right before my eyes close and I drift off.

I walk through the front doors of the tower. Steve holds my left hand tight as Lydie grasps my other hand while we walk through the front doors. Gary the security guard greets us as always with a wink sent in Lydie's direction, but this time he has a huge smile plastered across his face when he looks to the precious cargo Steve is carrying. We get some looks, as always, when we walk by the front desk and towards the elevators, but that is to be expected. None of us have really been here much in the past year, and everybody knows why.

We enter the elevator to head up to the common floor, Steve puts down what he was holding and wraps me in a tight hug. He kisses the top of my head and I look up into his eyes. I smile up at him before leaning up on my toes to connect our lips. I smirk against his lips when I hear Lydie making fake gag noises, Steve pulls back and whispers into my ear. "Thank you for giving us our family." The baby coos beside him and I smile at our perfect little family.

I slowly open my eyes and smile at my dream. Although it feels like one I've had before, one that might have told me something in the past. My eyes go wide when I realize why I recognize the dream, and what day it is. Oh shit.

Steve's POV:

There's a long pause as I think about what Natasha just said, "Wait what?"

"I- I know, but Steve I-" I don't let her finish and instead slam my lips with hers as a huge smile spreads across my face.

When we finally part I kiss her cheek and whisper into her ear, "This is going to be great, baby." Nat melts into my touch.

*2 months later, April 12 2025(? I don't even know what year anymore)*

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Nat asks me for the millionth time today.

I give her a small smile and place my hands on her waist, "There's no better place or time to do this then barging in, in the middle of a press conference." I give her a small smile and peck her lips before turning to Lydie, "Готовы ли вы к этому?" (Are you ready for this?)

Lydie nods and that's all the confirmation I need, I hold the now nine year old girl close and kiss Nat's forehead before walking towards the large wooden doors and waiting for a good time to barge in like I own the place.

Tony's POV:

The press conference is about to start, I push open the door to the conference room and make my way to my seat at the front. We go through the normal notion, me giving a vague speech about the disappearance of Captain America and Black Widow, and the press immediately coming up with obscure accusations. One guy asked if Rogers is on the moon... what an idiot.

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