Chapter 15: Forget and move on (part 2)

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What each kiss means:
Kiss on the forehead: We're cute together
Kiss on the cheek: We're friends
Kiss on the hand: I adore you
Kiss on the neck: I want you now
Kiss on the shoulder: you're perfect
Kiss on the lips: I LOVE YOU ❤️
Anna's Pov

"Elsa can't come to the party." Merida said as she walk in that made me coughed. What? She's not coming.

"Why? Why?" I said then she looked at me.
Oh right that thing that happened.

"I feel bad for her. Let's go to the party. We don't wanna be late." Rapunzel said. I sighed. If only Elsa could come.

----Time Skip----

"You guys came! I thought you all forgot about the party. I'm glad you came." Kristoff said while his family welcomed us. He has a huge family.

I smiled at Kristoff. Merida looked around and pinched Rapunzel.
"Oh my grandfather would like to meet all of you." He said. He lead us to a ballroom. Wow it's so big.

"Just wait here. I'll talk to him." he said as he began to walk away. Wiat I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready to meet his family?!!! OMG I'm so nervous wait what? 😵
Merida eyes widened when she saw a huge chocolate fountain. Wait chocolate! OMG I can't control myself but I don't want to look like a weirdo here. 😁I have to control myself from staring at the Huge chocolate fountain. 😋

"Anna? Are you okay?" Rapunzel said cutting me out of my thoughts. Ugh I really want to go near the chocolate fountain.

"Anna control yourself. It's just chocolate." She said as she crossed her arms and looked at the chocolate fountain. What did she just say?!

"Just chocolate?! It's more than any-" I stopped talking when Kristoff came back with his grandfather. Now I'm going to zipped my mouth and I will not look at the chocolate fountain. I'll try not to look at it.

"Guys this is my grandfather Dave. Mom and dad aren't here so he's here." Kristoff said with a big smile. That smile 😆. What is wrong with me?
He's so- Wiat why am I thinking about him?

"I'm Merida Dunbroch." Merida said.
"Hi I'm Rapunzel Corona and this is Anna Delle." Rapunzel said cutting me out of my thoughts again.
I smiled and stand properly. His grandfather looked at me and smiled.

"Nice too meet you girls." he said. We smiled.
He looked at Kristoff.

"My grandson here have never brought girls before. Maybe one of you already-"Kristoff cut him off that made his grandfather glare at him.
"Umm...Nothing. I'm not interested to fall in love anyway. No time for love school first." Kristoff said then he fake smiled. No time for love school first.
What? Does that mean he doesn't want to fall in love. OMG- wait why am I reacting like this.

"Why don't you take your friends to upstairs where your cousins are?" His grandfather said as he patted Kristoff's back. Wait I'm meeting his whole family?! So nervous. I played with my fingers in nervousness. What if I did something embarrassing? Maybe-

"Come on guys....I mean girls." He said as he began walking towards the staircase. We followed him.

"So Anna you've been nervous a lot a while ago. It's obvious. " Merida said as she messed her hair. I gave her a shocked look. His grandfather might have noticed that. Oh My Gosh. Kristoff might have seen it. I'm going to faint if....

"I'm not N-nervous..haha not nervous. Do I look like I'm nervous? I'm brave I mean hehe." I said as looked at Merida who raised an eyebrow. What?
Oops.... Yeah she's the brave one.
If only Elsa was here to give me an advice or maybe help me impress Kris- Wait what? I don't like Kristoff I don't. I dont know.
I remembered what happened to Jelsa.
Oh that Jack will pay because hurt her feelings.

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