Chapter 22

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Their eyes went wide when they saw Hiccup standing near them. He smiled at them and saw Merida. "M-Merida! I missed you!" He said as he approached her and hugged her that made her froze. She felt uncomfortable when he did that. She pushed her away and said in a fake british accent. "What are you doing you peasant? That's just rude."

Elsa can't help but roll her eyes. "Why is she like this? Plus her fake bristish accent is bad. I mean really bad. Is that even a bristish accent?" She blurted out.

"Excuse me?!" Merida said while glaring at Elsa who seemed annoyed. "Did I said that out loud? Oh I think I did and can I just say one thing about your dress?" Elsa said while looking at Merida who frowned and rolled her eyes.

"Are you working as a clown? Why aren't you dressed up as one? Wait, your face is already caked up with makeup."Elsa said while Jack backed away as he saw Merida clenched her fists. Elsa just stood there as if she doesn't care. "FYI. I don't like the new you." She added. It was true that Merida's wearing makeup now.

"Well.....I-I......don't like you either! Your such a b***h! You're a slut!" Merida insulted trying not to lose. She doesn't want to embarrass herself in this argument. It seems like Elsa can surely win this argument. Elsa took a deep breathe and tried to calm down but can't.

"Do you even know what a b***h/slut means? Look at yourself! You weren't like this before. Now you're calling me a b***h and a slut. To be honest you looked like one." Elsa said as she tried to get close to Merida so that she can punch her but Jack didn't let her do that. Hiccup just stared at them and feel like it's all his fault. Well, it is.

Merida flipped her red curly hair and walked away leaving them shocked and disappointed. Hiccup was about to go after her when Elsa stopped him.
"No. She's not the same Merida that you once knew." She said and with that he gave up. He wanted to tell Merida that he realized that he loves her but it was too late.

She isn't the same anymore. She changed. Change can be a good thing but it can also be a bad thing.
"I-I was suppose to tell her-" Elsa cut him off.
"Then tell her."

He looked at her in confusion. "But you said it's too late." He said. She shook her head and said.
"Just go and tell her. Forget what I said. Now go."
He nodded and left.

"You're in a bad mood, right?" Jack whispered to her while looking at her with concern.  Elsa was so calm about this. He was pretty much shocked at her sudden attitude towards Merida. He knew that Merida changed because of Hiccup.  "Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Elsa replied calmy while he gave her a weird look. She looked away and crossed her arms. Why is she so calm about this? He was so confused that he didn't noticed that Elsa was saying something.
"Jack? Are you listening to me?!" She interrupted his thoughts. "Huh? What?" He said while trying to think of what she said but can't.  "Can you repeat what you said?" He asked while scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. She frowned and slapped her forehead.

"Seriously?! Ugh, you're so annoying." She thought. She wanted to punch him in the face but she tried not to. "Elsa? Can I just say something about what happened?" He asked while lookong at her. She glanced at him uneasily and nodded.
"You're so hot when you're mad." He said. Her eyes widened. She looked at him and blushed. Then he changed the subject.
"Anyway, I wonder what's going on back home?"

"Yeah. Anna can pretty much survive without me. She's with Aunt Agnetha. Nothing to worry about. Kristoff is there too. So everything seems alright." She stated. She was sure of it.

Anna's Pov

"Anna? Are you alright?" Aunt Agnetha said concerned. I rolled my eyes and said." No." She sighed and looked at me straight in the eye.
"I know you, Anna. What's going on?" She said.

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