Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Don't easily believe the things you just saw.
Know the whole story before you react.
It's not too late to make it right.
Don't make the same mistake again.

Third person's Pov

Jackson looked at her. He can tell that she seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"So what happened? Sorry if I'm asking." He said. Elsa looked at him and hesitated at first.
She told him everything. She told him what she saw earlier. She felt like she's safe around him but she doesn't know why.

"So Jackson tell me about yourself." Elsa said as she looked at him while he shook his head and smiled.

"I would like to know about you." He said. There was something odd with him. She hesitated. She doesn't know if she can trust him or not. She doesn't want to make the same mistake again.

"No thanks." She said while looking down. She began to regret everything that she did a while ago. She shouldn't have said that or left him. She felt hurt and betrayed when she saw them.
She didn't exactly get a glimpse of his face but she knew that it was Jack since his hair was white. It was dark that time. But she wasn't quite sure if it was just a misunderstanding.

"Deep thoughts, Huh?" She heard Jackson say. She looked up and nodded. Jackson looked at her and sighed. He knew how it felt to be fooled and betrayed by the person you love. He experienced it before.

"You know you should give him a chance." He said. She looked at him in shock. She shook her head and glare at him. Jackson sighed and said." I've been through this before. I thought I saw her with a guy but it turns out that that girl that I saw wasn't her."

She looked away. "What if Jackson is right? I shouldn't have reacted at first. I don't even know if that guy that I saw is really Jack. I just saw that guy's hair but I didn't saw his face. Maybe I just overreacted." Elsa thought.

"Hey. I know you might think that I'm flirting with you but I'm not. I met a lot of people who had the same problem like yours. I helped a lot of people. I know how you feel." He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder while giving me an reassuring smile.She glanced at him and whispered." How do you know how I feel?"

He hesitated at first.
"I had an argument with my girlfriend. I went to the park to clear my mind but I saw a brown haired girl who has the same hair color like my girlfriend. I saw that girl with a man and thought that the girl was my girlfriend. I called my girlfriend on the phone and asked her why she kept cheating on me. She told me that she wasn't but I didn't believe her. Each and every day I would ask her and she would say that she didn't cheat on me. We broke up. So when I went back to the park I saw the girl and the man again in the same spot. I was about to go towards them when I saw their faces. The girl is not my girlfriend. I knew that I'm an idiot. I made a mistake. I apologized to my girlfriend and told her to take me back but it was too late. I tried to take her back but I wasn't able to. The next thing that I know.........She's already married. I loved her but it was too late." He said. He looked at the sky and tried to keep all his feelings inside. Elsa just stayed quiet.

"People make mistakes."he added.

"I made a mistake and I don't want you to make that mistake. Now go to him." He said that made her look at him. She knew she have to listen to Jackson. She nodded and said." Thank you." She pulled him into a hug and said"bye."
She pulled away and went back to the restaurant.

When she went in she saw Jack sitting on the table. Jack seemed a bit sad.
"I think it's all my fault." She heard him sobbed.
She can't help but feel bad. She went closer to him. He didn't noticed her presence. She can't believe that he crying. The customers already left so they were the only there. To be honest this is so embarrassing but she didn't mind that.
"Everything that I do is wrong. Why can't I be perfect?"she heard him say. She smiled and was about to speak when Jack spoke.
"Now I lost her."

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