Chapter 13: I don't get colds besides A Cold never bothered me anyway

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Jack's Pov

I slept late because of Elsa. Now I'm regretting why I slept late.

I streched.

It's 3 o'clock in the morning.
Oh it's Saturday.

"What should I do?" I said as I looked at the alarm clock.

Then I got an idea.

I left my room and walked towards Elsa's room.

Wait Elsa locked the door.
How can I get in?

The balcony! Yes maybe she left it open.
Why am I doing this anyway?

" It doesn't matter, Whatever." I said.

My room is so far from hers.

I went to the quest room beside Elsa's room.

I opened the doors. I stared at the moon.
Sometimes I find myself crazy because I kept staring at the moon for no reason. I even talk to the moon.

I looked to my right.

There's Elsa's balcony.

It's only 2 meters away.

Wait that's to far. No that's easy.
I encountered ......much worse.
How can I-

Could I even jump like that? Yes
Okay this is it if ever I fall well I might hunt Elsa and scare her if I was a ghost.
It's her fault if I fall because she got me worried.

I take a deep breath.

" 1......2.....................3!"

I jumped.
When I touched the ground I opened my eyes.

" Yes! I'm alive." I said as I laughed.
Then I went inside.

I saw her sleeping on her bed.

I walked closer to her.
She looked so peaceful.
Not peaceful like she's dead or something like that.

I can't see her face because she's sleeping on the other side.

Suddenly I had an odd idea in my head. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to do, but I bended near her closer to her.

I was so close that I could feel her soft skin's smell. I banded more closer.
Should I even do this?

Suddenly she turned over the other side and our lips touched inadvertently.

What am I thinking?
Ugh call me a pervert or whatever but it wasn't my fault. It was her fault.

We'll sort of.

My eyes were widened. Actually Elsa was still sleeping. I felt that my cheeks were burning. I broke the 'kiss' quickly.

Of course I wanted to feel her lips's taste a bit longer. Wait what?

" What did I do? Ugh." I muttered.

I mentally slapped my face.

Why am I acting like this when I'm near her?
This might be weird that I'm want to make her happy. Weird to me.

Then suddenly I fell asleep.

Anna's Pov

I woke up too early. It's 3 o'clock in the morning.

I sense something like someone is with my sister.
That can't be possible. She always lock the door.

Wait the balcony.

What if it's a thief or worse.

A maniac !

I stood up and opened the door.

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