Chapter 3 : The Dinner

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Jack's Pov

Great. Just great. I bullied her when she was still acting like a nerd. And now I'm gonna marry her when I turned eighteen. What kind of life is this?! A very cliche one. What should I do? How should I act around her? Wait. What am I so nervous about? She's still the same but she's not a nerd. Well, that's good since Emma really liked her because she's nice.

A few minutes ago, I didn't even recognize her because she's not wearing her glasses.I still remember what was my reaction when Hiccup told me its was her. It was unexpected.


I was walking around my room finding stuff to do when I heard something. "Jack? Hey?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Where is it coming from? Before I could even think, a rock was thrown at my window, causing the window to have a slight crack. 
Who the heck is that?

I peered through the window to find Hiccup. Oh for goodness sake! Why the window? "Hic! What are you doing?!" I said as he just adjust his glasses. "I found out that the heir of the Arendelle company-" he was cut off by me. "Later. Dad might see you. How about you climb up here," I said.

He looked at me as if I was insane. "Come on Hic , I haven't got all day," I said, not wanting to waste any more time. He sighed in defeat and groaned in annoyance before saying, "Fine." He tried to climb all the way here but he just kept falling and falling.

I couldn't hold my laughter. I laughed at him every time that he messed up. "Stop laughing! It's really hard you know," he said but I continued laughing.
"It's not that hard. I do that everyday," I said then he kept protesting.

"What has happened to you Hic? There's a ladder beside you," I said as I pointed my finger towards the ladder that was leaning against the tree. "Oh I didn't notice that there," he said before giving me a glare as if telling me how I'm such a traitor for not telling him. He used the ladder to get up here.

"Finally," I muttered as he finally got here. "I heard that, " he said. I sat on my bed and said, "I didn't say anything." I glanced at the clock and saw that I've only got 5 minutes because dad will come up here to check on me.

"So who's the girl?" I questioned. "She's from our school and she's not what you expected," he said as I raised an eyebrow. Who? "What do you mean?" I don't get him. "the heir of the Arendelle company is-" I cut him off. "Tell me."

"Don't interrupt me," he said then I nodded. I waited patiently. "Elsa Delle " he said. I froze in shock as I heard the name. W-What?! "She's a nerd!" I said then he laughed. "Same as I but from what I heard from her old classmates in Norway, she's not really a nerd. She's kind of in your category," he said. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Really? So you're saying that she's just pretending like a nerd?" I said then he nodded his head. "But why is she doing that?" he said. I scratched the back of my neck in confusion. Right.

"This is so confusing!" I said as I frowned then he laughed at my reaction. " I better go so you can act crazy," he said and with that he left.

------end of flashback----------

I have a plan to change her mind. I mean why does she hate me? Is it because I bullied her and kept messing her life than it already is? It's my life not hers.

Elsa's Pov

Why is my life like this ? Why can't I have a life without- ugh if there's only a change to change everything. "Elsa stop daydreaming about Jack," Anna said as she interrupted my thoughts.

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