Chapter 24

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Third person's Pov

Elsa woke up feeling blue. She yawned and stretched her arms. She blinked and looked at her room. She glanced at the pastel blue and mint walls. She frowned when she remembered what happened. She covered her face with her pale hands and screamed.
"I hate school." She muttered. Then all of sudden she remembered that it's summer vacation. "Damnit, why am I thinking of school?" She muttered and chuckled. Her alarm clock rang that startled her. She covered her ears and turned it off. She always wanted to smash her alarm clock or throw it at the wall but she always stopped herself from doing so.

She got up and walked in her bathroom. She glanced at the mirror and saw herself. Her hair was everywhere. She looked pale. Paler than before. Her lips were slightly pale. She went out and grabbed her clothes. She took a bath. She brushed her teeth and wore black jeans and a white crop top that says "Depressed".

She wore her black flats and went out of her room. As she was walking down the stairs, she felt down. So down that she can't even smile or be relieved. She went to the dining room and saw that breakfast was already served. She smelled waffles, bacon and eggs. Her mouth watered once she smelled it. She can't help but smile.

"So now you're happy about what happened?" She heard a familiar voice behind her that made her froze. Jack. She gulped and shook her head not even facing him. She heard him sigh and said."I'm leaving. Got to go." Then she heard nothing. All she can hear was his footsteps. He left, slamming the door shut.
She flinched and turned around. He left.

She frowned and went to the table. She looked at the food on the table. She didn't felt hungry anymore. She lost her appetite.
She sighed and said." Whatever. Food is life. Food will never leave you. Better eat than eat nothing." And with that she began eating. Savoring every piece. Once she was finished, she went back to her room. She just laid down on her bed doing nothing.

"What is wrong with me?" She asked herself. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then letting it go. After minutes of doing nothing, she heard a knock on the door. She ignore it. She didn't want to be disturbed.
She heard a knock again that made her pissed.
"What do you want?!" She yelled while glaring at the door.

She stomped towards the door and opened it. She let out a frustrated sigh and looked at that person who disturbed her.
"What are you doing here?" She said while glaring at him. Jack opened his mouth to speak but didn't. She rolled her eyes and slammed the door shut. She was pissed. She hated the way he talked to her and the way that he left. She let out an annoyed sigh.

Her eyes wandered around her room. She remembered everything from the start. It's like the past is coming back to her. Her aunt and the others still haven't arrived. "What's taking them so long?" She whispered. She sat on the floor and hugged herself. "I hate myself." She mumbled.

Time passed. It was midnight. It turns out that her aunt and the others arrived late because of the traffic and because of the fact that one of them wanted to stop over and eat.

Her aunt seemed happy when she arrived home. Sure it was their temporary home but they felt home. Their old one brought so many unpleasant memories. She didn't want to go back but there is one person who wants to.

Elsa's Pov
I wanted to go back home. I mean our old home. I missed everything. Even if it brought back a lot of unpleasant memories, there were happy memories too.  Our old house meant something for me. I mean, Aunt Agnetha and Anna will only be here for a while before they go back home. This house was given to Jack and I. You know. I missed my old home. It reminds me of my parents and before they passed away. My sister was just so young when they passed away. I was too. We were always happy and would always spend time with one another.
I was laying on my bed thinking of the past.

"I wonder what my life will be if all of these things didn't happened." I asked myself. A smile appeared on my face. Then it slowly faded when I heard my phone rang. I jolted up  of my thoughts and answered the call. The number was unfamiliar to me.

"Hello? It's me. Hahaha. Lol." I said almost singing the whole song. I laughed and froze when someone answered it.

"Hahaha. Funny, right?" I heard that someone said sarcastically. His voice seemed familiar.

"Who, you?" I said in an irritated tone. I rolled my eyes and got furious when he didn't replied. "It's me, Jack. I got a new number."He said and with that I hanged up or ended the call. I don't want to talk to him.

Jack's Pov

"F**k! She hanged up. Damnit!" I yelled when she ended the call. I sighed and called her again.
The number you have dialed is unattended. Please call later.

So annoying. I let out a frustrated sigh and kicked the desk infront of me. I'm currenlty sitting on a seat by the study table or whatever you call it. "The number you have dialed is unattended. Please call later." I mimicked that annoying voice on the phone.
I called and called but she didn't answer.
She's ignoring me again.
"Great. Just great." I said sarcastically. I decided to send her a text message since she doesn't want to answer my calls.
To: Snowflake
From: Jack
You ignoring me?
I waited for a few minutes but she didn't replied. Seen. 😑
To: Snowflake
From: Jack
I'm at school, writing this. Hahaha. Anyways good thing that I'm here because I'm going to be able to write. The finals is already like a week ago, so the ones who didn't take an advance exam. (I'm not included. I'm already done) they are still doing or finishing their requirements. So the ones who already took the exam. have nothing to do. I feel so relieved.

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