Chapter 4 : The Flight

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Elsa's Pov

Last night, I had a bad dream about what would happen tomorrow. It's about that a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He looks familiar to me. It's like I've seen him before. I really don't want to remember about my weird dream last night.

I take a quick shower and wore a teal dress it's just above my knees. I put my hair into a bun and smiled in satisfaction as I looked at myself through the mirror.

I went downstairs afterwards. I called the maids to bring my suitcases to the car. I went to the dining room and saw that my step aunt and Anna are already there eating breakfast.

"Good morning. Why so early?" I said then my Aunt Agnetha spoke in a rather cheerful tone.

"We wanted to wake up early. I see you're already ready to go," she said. I can finally leave this place but I'll miss everything. I smiled with the thought of finally leaving and doing whatever I wish without my aunt controlling me but I frowned as soon as I remembered that I wasn't free yet.

"I'll eat breakfast first, " I said then after a few minutes I'm done eating breakfast. "We need to go now," I said as I stood up then they stood up and went towards me. They hugged me as if it was the last time I'll ever sss them.

"We'll miss you,"" The maids said then Aunt Agnetha smiled. She's probably happy that I'm no longer present in this house. That I'm out of her domain.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you. I was wrong about you. I made you suffer ever since that day," Aunt Agnetha said as she looked down and kept apologizing. Should I forgive her or not? I don't know. It's hard to tell if she's sincere or not.

I should forgive her because she changed me. I was a girl who always teases and bullies imperfect people and I always get what I want before and now I realize that I should accept people from who they are and I should accept myself too. I mean I was a pretty bad person back in the days. even if she's not sincere, it's better than nothing. At leats I won't feel guilty for not forgiving her.

"I forgive you. I learned that I should accept everyone from who they are not just because they aren't treated well. You changed me. I was a spoiled brat before but I changed because you made me do that, " I said as I smiled then she smiled and hug me.

"I'll miss you. Everyone will," Aunt Agnetha said then after a few minutes of saying goodbye, Anna and I got in the car and the driver drove to the airport.

Yeah, I forgot Jack will be waiting for us at the airport. Then, there was silence.

"Elsa, what you did was right. You're right. You've changed. I realized that you don't need to be perfect to make someone proud and just be yourself," Anna said then I smiled and hugged her. Well, things happen for a reason.

"Sometimes I thought that everything's perfect in my life but there's something that's been missing," I said then she laughed as she kept playing with my gloves.

" So," Anna started another conversation. My eyes were glued to my phone. "So what?" I said playfully as she pouted. "Don't be cold, sista. You know what would happen if you shut me out," she said then I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What will happen?" I said curiously.

"You'll created a blizzard or freeze everything," she said played with her hair. When we were little we always play a game about me being a snow queen and Anna being a princess. And my sister who met a guy who sells ice for a living and his pet reindeer named Sven . She's kinda pretending that it's real.

" Anna, do you think that magic is real?" I said then she smiled and nodded before saying, " Yes I think you have powers or something."

"You don't have powers but what about love? it's like a magic. And maybe you'll fall in love with Jack," Anna said then she kept telling me to hug Jack and all that romantic stuff.

"Nope." My answer is always no. He's too childish.

"We're here, miss," the driver said then we got out of the car while the driver and our guards carried our suitcases to the baggage area.

We saw Jack there impatiently waiting for the two of us. We went to him and he seemed bored. "What took you so long?!" he said but Anna heard that.

"Don't yell at my sister. I'll report this to Mr. Frost," Anna said as she glared them Jack put his hands in defense. Geez Anna. Just chill. He didn't do anything bad.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Let's just go," he said then he grabbed my wrist. It hurts. What kind of guy is he? He's not even a gentleman.

----inside the airplane---

I sat beside Jack and Anna infront of us. How I wish I sat with Anna and not Jack. Jack looked at me and said, "Can I borrow your phone?"

I sighed as I handed it to him who playfully punched my shoulder. But still it hurts he's strong even if he just playfully punched my shoulder. I still feel like he's still bullying me but he wouldn't be able to do that because Anna's here. I already got over of what happened last night on the dinner and about Jack shouting at me.

" I'll sleep so don't disturb me," I said then he smirked then I glare at him as I slapped his shoulder playfully. "Whatever," he mumbled.

I closed my eyes and now I can sleep. I felt Jack poked my cheek. I opened my eyes then I saw him still smirking. I think he's planning something bad or whatever. I still hate his guts. And especially his face.

"I told you to not disturb me," I said coldly then he rolled his eyes as if not hearing what I just said. "Fine. I was just admiring you," he said that made me blush. Wait, why did I even blushed? Don't fall for that idiot, Elsa. He's a jerk. Yes I will never fall for him. But who knows?

"Aww...The snow queen is blushing," he teased then I gave him a glare. "Stop glaring and start caring," he said as he laughed quietly because Anna's sleeping .

" I hate you," I muttered then he chuckled as he pinched my cheeks. What is he doing? "The more you hate me, the more you'll love me, " he said as I glared at him and looked away. Idiot.

"Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world. That's beautiful," Jack said that made me giggle. So cliche. "What are you giggling about snowflake ? Oh that," he said then he rested his head on my shoulder. What the? What is he doing?

"Let me sleep on your shoulder," he said then I sighed in defeat.

"Not uncomfortable snowflake? Here, " he said as he pulled me closer to him and made me sat on his lap. Then hugged me and made me rest my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat. In a few minutes, I fell asleep.

Jack's Pov

"I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you," I muttered under my breath. Wait, why did I say that? I hope she doesn't heard it.
I watched her sleep on my chest. She's really beautiful. Her soft pink lips that you could die for and her platinum blonde hair. Why am I- ... What's wrong with me ? Maybe I just need more sleep.

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