Chapter 6: Text messages

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Jack's Pov

I woke up early in the morning with a question still lingering inside my head. I still can't forget about the unknown number. Who might it be ?

"Jack?!" Anna yelled as she kept banging the door. I groaned in annoyance before saying, "Wait! I'll just take a shower!"

After doing my business in the bathroom, I got myself dressed. I wore my hoodie even though it's summer. I just felt a sense of comfort and ease when I wear it.

I opened the door to see Anna slightly panicking. "We're gonna be late. And Elsa's still asleep," she said before dragging me towards Elsa's room.

Anna knocked on the door and it opened as she did so. Elsa was already dressed in her uniform. I stared at her, finding her still beautiful regardless of whatever she wears. My cheeks turned red upon realizing that Anna noticed my actions.

We went downstairs and out of the house. There was nobody in sight. "So where's the driver?" I said as I scanned our surroundings. Elsa shook her head, telling me that we have no driver to take us to school.

She motioned us to follow her as she walked towards a porcelain white car on the driveway. Anna suddenly asked, "Who will drive? Not me. Definitely not me. Don't have a driver's license."Elsa and I looked at each other at the same time before letting out a laugh.

"You will drive," we said at the same time. She raised an eyebrow at me and said, "I won't. I'm don't feel like driving today."

Anna couldn't help but find our situation funny as she said, "I can't believe that when you two first kissed, it's like the two of you have the same actions."

" Jack you'll drive since I'm tired ." Elsa said with no emotion as she got in the car.

I sat on the driver's seat and started to drive.

After a few minutes where here. It's so big . there's that parking lot . It's really secured there are guards everywhere .
We parked the car .

Anna's Pov .

We were amazed . we got out of the car and I was about to walk but my phone vibrated .

I receive a message from an unknown number .

Unknown number:
Avoiding something doesn't always mean that you hate it . It could also mean that you want it but you just know it isn't right .

" What the ? " I said that caught Jack and Elsa's attention .

" What is it Anna? Is there something wrong ? " Elsa said then I handed my phone to her . She gasped and showed the text message to Jack .

" Again" Jack muttered and suddenly his phone beeped .

" The unknown number again " Jack said and he replied .
He showed his phone to us.

Unknown number :
Spend time with her before she leaves you

For the last time , Who are you ? And why do you kept texting us weird messages ?

Unknown number:
You may not know me but I know who you are

" He or she must be nuts , I mean really crazy " I said as I hold my laugh.

" Anna ,it might be a threat or something"Elsa said that made me realized something.

" Guys lets go ,we can't be late " I said then they nodded .

After 2minutes we arrived a infront of the school and as we walked in the hallway everyone stopped what they are doing and stared at us and some whispered up each other .

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