Chapter 7: Forget about the past

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By the way ,Hans isn't the unknown number because he was Anna's
ex boyfriend and he is far away and he doesn't have any contact to Elsa and Anna.

I think he's not going to be part of this story .

Maybe . that it

Elsa's Pov.

I wake up in a good mood .
Merida and I watched a comedy movie .
It's so funny .
I have fun here in her house.

It's to early to go to school .
I need to go back home .

I went downstairs .

" Elsa , Where ya going? " Merida said the I smiled .

" Home . Anna must be worried ." I said I waved goodbye and left .

After a few minutes I arrived at the house .

I knocked on the door and the door opened .

" Jack? Why are you like that ?" I said as I looked at him .

He looks tired .

" I went out looking for you ." He said then I entered the house .

" Anna left for a sleepover . I've been almost all night looking for you . Every house , everywhere ." He said then he hugged me and I can feel something wet.

He's crying .
Wow first time I see him cry .
I can't help but laugh.

" Why are you laughing ?" He said then I patted his back .

" First time I see you cry ." I said . I looked at him . Did he ate breakfast already?

Then his stomach grumbled .
I laughed ." I'll cook ." I said then he smiled and wiped off his tears .

I went to the kitchen .

I made some pancakes and waffles.

"Hmmmmm..... It smells delicious ." Jack said as he licked his lips .

" Of course it is . I made it ." I said proudly and he chuckled and pinched my cheeks .

----at school---

" Elsa , let's go we don't wanna be late." Jack said then he grabbed my hand and we walked towards the classroom.

I don't want to see him cry again.
It's hard to explain.

But why did he cry anyway ?

Hiccup's Pov

I want to forget everything . I need to change . I want to be treated like a normal person .
That's why I changed .
Even if my family and I moved here ni New York.

I still can't forget the past. When I first walked in the hallway of my new school.
Everyone smiled at me and greeted me good morning . How I wish I had done this a few years ago.

But there's something pulling me back to the past.
A few years ago I met a girl named Astrid . She was my best friend . She treated me like a normal person .
She was a new student and she even be friends to me .

But after a few months she had to move to Canada for a better life .

I was so heartbroken . I love her so much .

I love her more than a best friend .
I waited everyday , every year for her to come back but she didn't but I never lose hope. After a few years I found out that she's married at a young age .
She said she love him so much that's why she married him .

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