Chapter 23

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Jack's Pov

Today's the day! We're going home! Yes! Finally! "Jack! You're smiling like crazy! We're just going home." Elsa said as she placed her hands on her hips and locked our hands together. She smiled at me and said." Aren't you sad that we're leaving?" Well, I'm not sad about it. "I'm happy that we're going back home! I can't wait." I replied. I hope nothing bad happens. I wonder what happened to Merida and Hiccup. Nah whatever. They can deal with themselves.

-------------1 month later ---------

" I got accepted! Oh my gosh. I can't believe it. I'm so happy." Elsa jumped in delight and smiled at me. She was so happy that she ignored what I was saying. I was telling her my other plans this summer. Yeah, we just went to Hawaii a month ago and I have other plans. We're currently in the living room. She sighed and got lost in her thoughts. I sighed and decided to snap her out of her thoughts again. This has been happening to her for a while. Maybe, she's more interested in her studies than me. I snapped my fingers at her and said." Elsa snap out of it. It's summer and you're more interested in college than having fun." She snapped out it and slightly glared at me. She sighed and run her fingers through her platinum blonde hair. I looked at her light freckles on her face and smiled. She noticed me staring at her. "I know it's summer but I'm just so excited for college." She blurted out and giggled. Her giggle is so cute. Wait-

"So why don't we invite the others? It's been weeks since we last saw them." She requested. Well, I guess so. There has been a lot of "drama" going on with you know who. Elsa hasn't been interested to what I'm saying. She kept ignoring me sometimes. I wonder if, she doesn't felt anything for me anymore. No, that isn't true.

Third Person's Pov

Merida sat down on her chair and glanced at the food on the table. Her stomach growled once she saw the food on the table. She didn't looked at her mom who was staring at her. She wanted to eat like she doesn't care, as always but she remembered that she changed. She stood up from her seat and looked at her dad. "I'm full." She said then she began to walk away. "But you haven't eaten yet." Her mom said but Merida ignored them. She quickly went to her room laid down on her bed. She looked up the ceiling and closed her eyes. "What's wrong with me?" she asked herself. She used to be free but now she doesn't feel like it.


"Jack, where are you going?" Elsa asked him as he was about to open the front door. He looked at her and said"Am I not good enough? What is wrong with you?" She stood there and gave him a confused look. Somehow she knew where this is going. " There's nothing wrong with me. What do you mean you're not good enough for me?" She said in a rather confused and annoyed tone. His icy blue eyes stared at back at hers. She cleared her throat and said. " Answer me?!" He run his fingers through his silvery white hair and avoided her stares. "You didn't answered my question." he said without showing any emotion. She tried to open her mouth to say something but didn't. "You already know the answer." she said while looking down at her feet. He walked towards her and asked her again. "Am I not good enough?!" She flinched at his tone and whispered." Why would you say that?" He grabbed her wrists and pulled her close to his chest and said."Why were you ignoring me?" She tried to let go of her wrists but can't. "I wasn't ignoring you?!" She yelled at him. He angrily shook his head and said."Stop lying! Tell me the truth. Why have you been acting like I don't exist?" She wanted to tell him why but if she did....Sometimes she felt sick of him being uninterested to some of the things that she like. She wanted the two of them to be in college in the same university but he wasn't interested. He wanted to just chill and not worry about anything. He wanted to enjoy summer outdoors. She wanted to stay at home and maybe do the things she like. Like watching movies, etc.

"Because you weren't interested on the things that I like. Sure we have things in common but you just kept thinking about the things you like and not the things that I like." She blurted out. She gasped and covered her mouth but she knew that it was too late.


"Hey, Jack? Can we just stay home and watch movies or something?" Elsa said while smiling and tapping Jack on his shoulder. He looked at her and said." Isn't that kind of....boring? How about we go out and-" She didn't payed attention to what he was saying and just nodded. She sighed and just smiled at him. "We could go swimming or hiking? Maybe we should go and visit the others and prank them. Or-" She sat down on the couch since they're in the living room. She sighed and glanced at Jack who kept talking about his plans. She stared at him and kept silent. She kept tapping her fingers on the couch and looked sat him annoyed. he kept talking and talking and talking. She groaned and slapped her forehead. "He's so annoying." She said to herself.
---------------End Of Flashback
Elsa frowned and glanced at his furious face. His hands trembled in anger and fear. His eyes full of anger and fear. Fear of losing her. He knew that she was sick of him muttering and murmuring about the things that he like and not the things she like. It was like their feelings for each other suddenly became odd. It likes the world turned upside down. He sighed and looked away. He gave her one last glance before he left without saying a word. She watched him leave. Her eyes filled with confusion turned into fear. She hugged herself and closed her eyes, hoping that it was just a dream. A harmless dream. They say that dreams do come true but this isn't a dream, it's a nightmare. Why would you leave the one you love, if you still love him/her? He didn't say goodbye because he knew that goodbye means going away. She opened her eyes and saw no one in front of her. She glanced at the door hoping that he was just joking.

She let out a sigh and whispered to herself." I don't hate you. I love you. Love isn't love if you're not hurting." She went to her room. As she walked, all she heard was her footsteps. Just hers. Her Aunt and the other wasn't here yet. They just went to somewhere. They didn't say anything. They just left and said that they will come back tomorrow. She was sick of being left alone.
Is it her fault? Does she deserve this? She still remembered those times when he always bully her at middle school and always saying that nobody wants her and she's just a mistake. He was her bully that time.  She forgave him for that. Maybe it's just because of her looks? Is it? She suddenly missed everything that happened. She was used of being left alone and being casted away. Some people think that being weak is bad but there's no strong if there's no weak.

She laid down on her soft icy blue bed and looked up at the ceiling thinking about what happened. She fluttered her eyelashes and grabbed the big pillow beside her. She hugged it and closed her eyes. She wanted to cry but she wasn't able to.

"I wish that this will be over soon. I hope." She muttered then darkness took over her.

Seven or more chapters and this book is over. I mean complete. I have a new story but it isn't published yet. It has 7 or 8 chapters right now. I kinda wanted to finish it before I publish it. Well, I don't know.

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