Alive In The Afterlife - Chapter 2: Strangers

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Elsa has been here for two days and she felt like there's a part of her that's missing. Like a incomplete puzzle. She has no memory whatsoever. The girl told her that this place was the afterlife. A place for the deceased where they can find themselves again. She said that they have to live life all over again.

She was confused and a bit irritated for she has no clue on what to do. Why does it feel like there's something missing in the picture? Something so dear to her. The girl told her to find him. Find who?

What did she meant by that? Many questions were in her mind as she walked around the streets. There were buildings everywhere but nature dominated the area. It was heaven. Peaceful. Beautiful. Surreal. It seemed like a normal city back on earth but even better. So much better. She couldn't describe it into words.

The people that walked passed her seemed contented as they smiled at each other. She looked so lost that she received attention. Although they wanted to ask her if she needed help, they went against it for they know that she's trying to find her own path to get those memories back.

But even so, they sent her reassuring smiles. They seemed to have already found what they're looking for. She found herself staring at her reflection from the tinted window of a store. She was wearing what resembled a school uniform. It was just like those who just arrived in this place.

Those who already found themselves wore something entirely different. The difference is that theirs was full of color while hers were black and white. She glanced back at the sidewalk from across her to find an unfamiliar male staring at her in confusion.

He cocked his head slightly to one side and narrowed his blue eyes at her before shrugging his shoulders and walking away. As soon as their eyes left each other, she felt a spark inside of her vanish into thin air. She continued walking, not knowing what direction to go.

She couldn't help but feel envious of the people around her. They wore wide smiles as they walk pass her. They were happy. They were complete. She let out a deep sigh as she sat down on a bench. "Where am I even going?"

She spent the next few minutes in deep thought. Still, she couldn't think of anything to do. She was snapped out of my thoughts when she felt someone sit down next to her. She looked up to find a frowning red haired male. He was wearing the exact same clothes as she was. Black and white.

He felt her stare and slowly inched away from her before saying, "You won't find what you're looking for if you keep staring at people." She awkwardly smiled and nodded her head, not knowing what to do.

He looked at the cars passing by. "Sometimes I just want to give up searching for my memories. I've been searching for it for a long time. But I still haven't succeeded," he said.

"Oh? Well, you can't give up now. All your efforts would be wasted," she replied. He shook his head in disagreement. "It's futile I tell you. Even if I were able to gain back everything, I wouldn't live the same way again."

"That's not true. Everyone who found them seemed happy and contented." He smiled at her and shook his head again. "You're a newbie. You don't know anything."

"You still haven't found your memories so you don't know what you're talking about," she replied as her eyes went towards the sidewalk from across her. She found herself staring at that unfamiliar male again. Odd.

She looked back at the redhead who started mumbling. "I was so close that time. I felt it but that feeling immediately vanished. It was so close to me and yet, it was far for me to reach." She continued listening since I didn't have anything else to do.

"I don't think I would live the way I used to back on earth because right now, I'm an entirely different person," he added as he looked up at the sky. "Sometimes I just want to stay this way. I don't want to see what happened to my past life. I wanna start this journey as myself."

"Don't you want to know what you used to be?" she asked as she stole a glance at the unfamiliar male across the street who started walking away. The redhead let out a bitter laugh before shaking his head.

"Why would I want to know what I used to be if I can no longer live the way I used to live? I'm already dead so why bother?"

"I know it bothers you too. Something feels missing," she said as she watched people pass by. They seemed complete. Happy and contented. She wished to feel that once again.

"I've been like this for three years. Do you think that you'll be one of them in a short amount of time?"

"I'm not sure but something tells me that what I'm looking for is nearer than I thought. What's your name, by the way?"



"Hey, Jack? You seemed distracted

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"Hey, Jack? You seemed distracted. What's got your mind tangled up?" Jack heard his friend, Alyssa say as she waved her hand in front of his face to snap him out of his thoughts.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just can't get her out of my mind. For some odd reason, I find myself looking at her. I don't even recognize who that is."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before asking, "Who? Who's that her?" The tone of her voice seemed to indicate that she was feeling envious of whoever got Jack's attention. She has always find Jack charming and pleasing that she would always follow him like a lost puppy.

"Oh, just some random girl. I don't even know her but who knows? I'm yet to complete my memories. I haven't remember that much yet."

"She's probably just a weirdo. Did she notice you staring?"

"Yeah. I felt some sort of familiarity when I looked at her but I couldn't put my finger on it."

"What does she look like?"

Alyssa looked at him with seriousness as she waited for his answer. She wanted to know who this girl was. She felt a bit annoyed with the fact that Jack might or might not know this girl.

"Platinum blonde hair. Icy blue eyes. She just looks like some sort of ice fairy or mythical goddess."

She forced a smile upon hearing those words. She hated how he seemed to be fascinated with the girl. She glanced at their surroundings and tried to see if the girl was near them. They were hanging out at the mall out of boredom. She hid her scowl and asked more questions.

"Really? She must be wonderful then. I bet that she's not even someone you know. You're probably just intrigued by her looks. Looks can be deceiving you know? So how did she react when she looked at you?"

"She seemed confused but probably creeped out because I kept staring at her. Should I talk to her? Maybe, she's someone from my past?"

"No, I don't think it's a good idea. You're only curious. Let's just continue with our search for your other memories," she said as she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the exit. As he was dragged, he couldn't help but feel that Alyssa wasn't quite right. There was a feeling in his heart that the girl was of importance to him.

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