Chapter 27

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Third person's Pov
"It's your choice anyway. Don't blame me if I suddenly disappeared or found another girlfriend." Jack said teasingly while nudging Elsa's shoulder. She was planning on going to college in____(A/N:whatever place you like).
Jack on the other hand doesn't want her to be far away from him. He thinks that someone might take her away from him. She frowned and said." Jack. Please stop kidding around. I'm serious." He glanced at her and noticed her slight glare. He let out a sigh and said." If that's what you want then I'll be happy about it. If you're happy then I'm happy." She smiled and held his hand, interlocking them. "LDRs don't work to be honest." Jack thought.

There were currently in the living room talking about stuff. They were quite bored. They have different plans this summer but too lazy to even do or complete those plans.
He stood up and went to the kitchen to get some food. She sighed and muttered to herself."I'm bored."

He came back with lots of food. She raised an eyebrow at him and laughed. "What? I'm hungry." He sat down next to her on the couch and opened a bag of Cheetos. While he ate, she looked at him.

Her stomach grumbled that made him stop eating and look at her. "You want?" He asked. She licked her lips and shook her head. "No thanks." She answered. He chuckled and said." Don't be shy. It's okay. I know that you are hungry right now." He gave her the bag of Doritos but she denied and gave it back to him. "You know what? Let's just order pizza." He said then her smile widened. He laughed and pinched her cheeks. She whined and said." Stop that."

Elsa's Pov
-------------2 days later
Jack has been bugging me to invite Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel, and Eugene for us to hangout. It's been a while since we hangout. Wait, why is he telling me to invite them when he can invite them himself?

"Elsa, just invite them. I'm bored. I'm planning on annoying Merida and Hiccup." He said in a bored manner. He looked at me like a lost puppy and said."Please?" I stared at him in annoyance and said. "You could invite them yourself you know." He whined and sat down on the couch next to me.

"I'm too lazy to do that." He said then he crossed his arms and looked at the tv. I'm currently watching Zootopia. (A/N: I watched it and it was amazing. I love that movie.)He sighed and groaned.

"Could you just do it, Elsa?" He said while poking me. He tried to distract me from watching the movie. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote. I paused it and irritatingly glanced at him. He smiled and smirked. "Did I bothered you?" He asked. I nodded and said." Just stop talking."

"Just do it, Elsa." He said as he grabbed the bowl of popcorn in my hands. He began to eat in IN FRONT of me. I glared at him. My poor popcorn! I was suppose to eat it!
"Nope. You could just watch the movie with me." I said as he shook his head and said." No! I can't stand animated animals talking and acting like real people. I'm just sick of these kinds of movies." Seriously? He's judging the movie already? He should watch it first before judging it.

"I didn't even look at the tv when it started playing. I don't want to watch it." He complained as he continued to eat the popcorn. I sighed and was about to grabbed the remote when he quickly snatched it and said." Nope. You can't watch the movie."
😳 You serious?

"Just because you like Dreamworks more than Disney, doesn't mean that you should-" he cut me off. "Hey! I like Disney too you know. And Pixar." I rolled my eyes. Disney owns Pixar. Wait, why are we on this topic?

"Why are we even talking about this? Let's just watch the movie. You shut up and give the popcorn back to me." I said as I snatched the remote and bowl of popcorn from his hands. I resumed the movie and watched.
Jack on the other hand can't stop complaining.  "I'm so sick of seeing animated movies like these! Animals that acts like a normal human? Oh geez, I'm going to die!"

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