Chapter 18: Things Gone Wrong

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Third person's POV.

Jack was awaken by an alarm. He rubbed his head and look at the clock. He groaned realizing that he have to go to school.

He sat up and stretched his arms while thinking of his dad. He began to worry that things might go wrong today. He sighed and looked down.
He have a bad feeling about his dad. The more he think about his dad the more he became aware and worried that his dad might do something that involves the arranged marriage. It was a pleasant morning....... but not for him.

"Why is my dad even here? What does he want?" He said while gazing at the rising sun through the window. He began to think about what happened in the past.

His thoughts was interrupted by someone who barged in his room without even knocking. He felt annoyed
And that someone is.............. Elsa.

"What do you want?" He said furiously while looking at her direction. She bit her lip and sighed.

"It's just that.................I have a bad feeling about what your dad is going to say." She stammered. She played with her fingers and looked at him. He nodded slowly.

"*sigh* he's not my dad." He muttered.

Elsa just bit her lip and looked down in nervousness. She was a bit scared of Jack.
There's something going on with him and she knows it.

"J-Jack , Is there something wrong? " she said while looking at him without hesitation.
He looked at her and looked away.

"There's nothing wrong. Just leave me alone." He said while looking down. She nodded and walked backwards. She was about to leave when she stopped and remembered something.

"Jack? Your dad told me that he needs to talk to you right now. So you better get-" She was interrupted when Jack yelled.

She froze......unable to say anything.
"I-I-" she was cut off by Jack who walked towards her and pushed her out of the room.

"I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouted. It was loud enough for Elsa's Aunt who was downstairs to hear.

"Oh O-Okay." She said then she ran away and went to her room. She felt scared and confused at the same time. Jack felt sorry for yelling at her but he was so annoyed by the fact that he can't be alone for just once. He was still angry at his dad. He knew that he will never forgive his dad. His life was a mess before but when Elsa came, it went better than before. There was something in the past that still bothers him.

"*sigh* I wish I can forget about the past." He whispered as his hands went through his hair. He looked down. He knew he was such an idiot who can't forget the past. Then he realized there's school. His eyes widened when he look at the clock. 30 minutes left.
He immediately took a quick shower and wore his uniform. He went downstairs.

Elsa's Pov

I was just eating my breakfast waiting for Jack to come down. Why is he taking so- Okay I might be still annoyed. Sometimes I just don't understand him. He's really weird sometimes.

I heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. I knew it was Jack.

My face lit up when I saw him.

"Hey! Ummm Good Morning." I said while I waved my hand at him. He looked at me and sat down on the chair far away from me. There is something wrong with him.

"So...." I started. He looked at me with a blank face. I gulped and was about to open my mouth
when he gave me an unpleased look.

"Nothing's good this morning." He said then he looked away. What the heck is wrong with him? He's in a bad mood again. 

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