Chapter 9: New girl

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A new character again .
I know right .


Someone's Pov

Let's just see if they can survive emotionally .
*evil laugh*
One by one I'll break their hearts .

Rapunzel's Pov

What a great day . wait I'm still mad at Eugene ! I forgot about that .

He's such a jerk that-
Wait I love him ? Yeah but .....

Is so complicated !

" Love is sick !"Merida said as she stomped towards her locker .

" What do you mean ?" I said with my eyes filled with concern .

" Nothing . Mom said she wanted me to have someone in ma life . I hate it !
Love is sick like a rotten rat ." She said then she slammed her locker shut.

She take a deep breath when she saw Jack and Elsa walking happily together.

I sighed . Why am I jealous of them ?

I just wish Eugene never did the thing that caused me to be embarrassed on the role play .

What a great life I have .

If only I could undo-

The door slammed open revealing a black haired girl . She looked like a hipster maybe a tomboy . Hahaha

But I can say that she's pretty cool.

She wears black........

A vampire yeah she's like a vampire .

Then I laughed as I looked away while walking towards the comfort room.

Why is there new students that are enrolling this school for like day to day ?
Who is she anyway ?
I have a bad feeling about her .

Then I bumped into someone that cause he or she to fall .

I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed that it was the new black haired girl .

" I'm so sorry ." I apologized to her repeating it over and over again .

" Would you stop that gurl ? You're annoying . Get out of my way ." She said as she pushed me to the nerd boy .

That caused me .......and the nerd to fall onto the floor.
Now I'm on top of him.

I heard someone gasped .

I stood up and straighten myself .
I saw Eugene glaring at the nerd and looking back at me .

He gave me a look like he needs an explanation.

" It's not what you think-" He cut me off.

" Explain . You've got a minute to explain ." he said with anger in his eyes .

I never saw him like this .

" There was this new girl .
She was dressed like some vampire and she's like a hipster and she's kinda cool
Like you know like she's like a gangster or something ......then .............and then I was just walking and I got lost in my thoughts like I was daydreaming like there was a unicorn or I saw something weird like a ghost that made me scared or I'm confused . Then she-" I was interrupted by Eugene who yelled .
" STOP IT ! You're so talkative !"He said then walked away .


I'm not talkative .........maybe a little.

I'm sure he'll forgive me .

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