Chapter 20

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They were happy because they thought it's all over. If only they know that it isn't. Oh I wish I would end this story but this story needs revenge. The villains didn't get enough revenge. So this is their time to shine. Only one can win. One will pass away and one will lose. One will turn good. Not everyone gets their happy ending. Only those who choose the right thing will have their happy ending. I think it's unfair for the villains not to have their own happy ending. So this story is about to get mad.

Oops. I shouldn't say much of what will happen. I'm just saying what is in my mind. What if they were redeemed? Isn't it nice?

Every story needs something that will make it even more interesting. If villains kept losing and the main characters kept winning then what's the point of making them evil? Is it just to have a little action? Is it because everyone loves it? What would I feel if I'm a villain who only wants justice? What if I'm innocent? What if I'm just doing it for good? What if there's a reason why I did it? What if that reason it so save someone from being killed? Isn't it unfair that the villain gets all the hate when you don't even know what the real reason is. But revenge won't do anything at all. It will only ruin you. As yo read this story, you will be able to know their lives and how they deal with their problems. What if they were just misunderstood? Why can't villains be treated right? I mean what if they turned good and you treated them like they're nothing and because of the way you treat them, they turned evil again. Maybe it was the main characters' fault for not treating them right and giving them a chance to change. Bad experiences can change a person and can bring back their bad attitude. I know it's hard to accept but this could be the right thing to do.

Okay. I said too much. I shouldn't have said that but that was my opinion. Even villains have feelings you know. Okay this is the beginning. Well not exactly....

James's POV

Hi. My name is James. You know me as an enemy. I mean seriously? Why? I know what I did but I did it for a reason. You know what I don't care! Let's just see if they will have their happily ever after. We might win. They don't know what we have in mind.
You wanna know what's the real reason is?

It happened when I was just little.
I was just 3. I was going to meet my father, what I didn't know is that I have 13 half brothers. Can you believe it? 13?! I was shocked because my mother never told me about it. What I know is that I'm the only child. Well my father's first wife died and he married my mother after that. My father's first wife didn't know about me and that my mother has me.

So when my 13 half brothers found out about it, they went mad because they cannot believe that they have a half brother. I mean who wouldn't be mad but you know I'm the favorite child. The 13 were jealous ,so everyday they would bully me. They wanted to kill me but I was sent away since my father knew that my half brothers really hate me.
So now that I came back, they are still a bully except for Hans. Hans is a disappointment to the family. So they bully him too. I spent all theses years being hated by them.
So who's life is a mess? Their lives or mine?
Who has the worst experience?

Do you think that this is easy?
It's not to be honest. I wanted then to be peoud but no.....whenever I do something right they will ignore me.

Now that you know....... I don't want to be ignored! My cousin Mike is the only one who didn't hate me. See? My life is a mess. Everyone should not be treated this way. If only they knew but I can't even please them.
What should I do?
Should I quit?

Narrator's POV

See what I mean?
Know the real reason first before you hate someone who seemed to be doing the wrong thing. This isn't what you expected? Right? Or you already expected this to happen?

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