Chapter 15: Forget and Move On (part 1)

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The best revenge is just moving on and getting over it. Don't give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.


-----Next Day----

Rapunzel's Pov

So the meeting didn't exactly happened. I just told them that I'll forget and move on. I'm wasting my time. I know Eugene might hate me but it's his choice. I'm finally letting him go but I know it hurts.
It's been 6 years since we've been together and I- Wait I should forget. Like what I said Forget and Move on.
I sighed. I've been thinking a lot lately. Why am I even doing this on the first place? Eugene might love Marianne. But it's impossible-
Did he even love me? Why would he-
He knows I love him but why.

I'm holding a picture of him. Looking at it hurts. It reminds me of how he confessed his love to me.
I looked around my room. He always help me whenever I need help. He's the only one who made me realize that I don't need to be popular to have friends. He was my inspiration. But the best revenge is moving on and getting over it. And that's what I'm going to do. I'm great at acting haha.

"Rapunzel dear? Your Father and I need to talk to you." I heard my mom say. I noticed that I'm already crying. I wiped my tears and stood up. I grabbed the doorknob and tun it open. Mom looked at me and hugged me.

"Let's go." mom said then I followed her. We entered the living room where dad is right now.

Dad looked serious. I gulped. I don't know what's going to happen right now.

We sat at the couch. My parents looked at me.
Dad cleared his throat.

"Rapunzel, we have decided that *sigh* it's best to...*fake cough* I mean for you to have a boyfriend who would be a perfect fit for you." He said then I looked at them in disbelief. What?

"Rapunzel, your father and I made an agreement to one of our friends. They have a son who is a perfect fit for you. He's nice and trustworthy. I'm sure the two of you will get along." Mom said as she hugged me while I sat there shocked. But I still love Eugene wait I just need to forget about him and move on. No I can't do that.

"But I can't just date someone I've never met! And I still love-" I was cut off by dad who put his finger on his lips to silence me.

"Rapunzel, we just made our decision. Just move on Eugene doesn't deserve you. You must forget him and move on." Mom said that made me looked at them and sighed. Do I have a choice? No
It might be good for me to meet someone.
*sigh* I will do this.

"Fine." I said and with that I went back to my room.
I just sat at my bed thinking about him. Eugene. It hurts but I must be strong.

"I will move on. It will take time for me to do that but I will." I muttered. I hugged my kness and cried. I just can't do it. 😣

He used to call me and text me for like everyday.


I was just lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. I was so bored that I want to watch TV but my mom told me it's already late. She treats me like a baby.
I miss Eugune. He's so sweet and.
My phone beeped. A got a text from Eugene.

Hey Rap, Whatcha doing?

I smiled and rolled my eyes.
I replied.

Nothing just thinking.

About who?


Knock knock

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