Chapter 19: This is not over yet, It's just the beginning

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We're never going to give up. This is just the beginning. You thought this is the end but we'll be back. ~ James

Anna's POV

I can't sleep!!!..... Ugh?! And no I don't have insomnia. I kept thinking about that James and Hans......and Kristoff. There is really something fishy about them. I mean Kristoff is nice and caring but he's hiding something.

Is he spy? Or maybe a secret agent? *gasp* Or maybe a superhero with super powers?

I decided to tell Jack's dad that Elsa and Jack needs to be together.

-----1 hour later----

"Fine! " Mr. Frost said who became worried.

"But why did you cancelled it?" I said a bit curious.

" daughter has been kidnapped and......" He stopped and looked down.

Oh so that's why.

"Maybe she isn't really kidnapped? Maybe she escaped and.... wait who kidnapped her?" I said.

"Our rival company."


"Don't worry, she will be able to escape. I mean we'll help you" Aunt said then I nodded

I went back to my room.

Wait! I should probably tell Elsa about James.
She needs to know.

I quickly get up on my bed and raced towards Elsa's room. I knocked on the door for ten times but she didn't open it. Ugh Oh Come on!

"Elsa?" I said while I knocked on the door one last time. I heard crying. Ummmm 😱 Did Jack made her cry?! Oh that troublemaker! He will pay! Wait, maybe it's because of............never mind.

"Hey, Elsa stop crying and open the door! I need to tell something IMPORTANT!" I yelled loud enough for Jack to hear because his room is just a few rooms away.

"Go away!" I heard her yell.

"Oh Come On! I have to tell something important that might save your life! Just Forget about the stupid things that happened today!" I yelled on purpose. Hope that Jack can hear what I'm yelling so he will feel sorry and....tada....problem solved.

"Go away." She said.

"The Past is in the Past!!!!!!!!!!!! Let it go!!!!! Let it go!!!!!!!!!" I yelled while knocking on her door like crazy.

I heard a door creaked open. I glanced towards the direction where I heard it. I saw Jack looking at me in confusion.

"What are you doing? You're disturbing my sleep." He said giving me an annoyed look.

"If I have a magic wand I will make Elsa and Jack love each other forever." I whispered then laughed. He looked at me in confusion.

"Are you drunk?" He said.

"Nope! I just can't sleep because the two of you aren't still making up. " I said then looked away when I said that.

"I will disturb your sleep if you wouldn't make up with her. Just say sorry." I said while putting my hands on my hips and giving him a death glare. He looked on the floor and stayed silent.
What's wrong with couples these days?

I knocked and kicked Elsa's door.
"Just make up!!!!!!! Say sorry to each other!!!!!" I yelled and yelled as I kept kicking the door.

"No!!!" I heard Elsa yell.

"And please stop that." She added.
"No!!!! Oh Come On Elsa!!!!! Open the door! Or I'll break the door." I said then I screamed while Jack covered his ears.

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