Chapter 25

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I'm at school again writing this. No lessons! Hahaha. I'm so bored. Anyways here is Chapter 25. Five more chapters and the book is complete. Sorry. There are curse words or inappropriate words.

Third Person's Pov

"Hey? I made you breakfast. Can you please come out of your room?" Elsa heard Jack say while knocking on the door twice. He sighed and went downstairs. She heard his footsteps slowly faded. She got up from her bed and went out of the room. "Better eat something than nothing. Food is life. Yeah." She said to herself in a bored manner.  She slowly walked down the stairs. She went to the living room and just sat down on her couch probably waiting for him to leave.

She heard footsteps coming closer in her direction. She heard someone cleared her throat and said."Uh. Breakfast is served. You have to eat." She sighed and said without looking at him." Of course, I know that I need to eat. Food is life. Food will never leave you or hurt me like you did." There was an awkward silence. He decided to break the ice. "I'm going out to buy ice cream. You wanna come?" He said while trying to get close to her. He smiled and said." Come on. I know that you wanna come. Right?" She looked away and shook her head. "Go ahead. Leave that's what you're good at anyway." She said. He gulped and said." Fine. If that's what you want."

He tried to hug her or kiss her but she kept walking away. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you still here? Leave. That's what you want anyway." She said while pointing at the front door. He frowned and said." Fine! Then I'll leave." He walked away and left.

Jack's Pov

She wants me to leave then I'll leave! I tried to be nice but no, she doesn't appreciate it.
I thought she didn't want me to leave then all of sudden she told me to just leave. I angrily went to my car and didn't know where else to go. I'm going to buy ice cream and if she doesn't want any then more for me.

On my way, I saw someone familiar walking down the street that made my blood boil in anger. He's still alive, that son of a b***h. James. That stupid traitor. I parked my car and approached him while holding a frying pan that Rapunzel gave me. She said it works. His eyes widened when he saw me.

I grabbed his shirt and was about to punch his face when he yelled." It wasn't my fault!"
I glared at him and said." I'll never get you near her. Ever!"

He pushed me away and ran away like a coward he is. "I better call the cops." I was able to catch him before he got away. I hit him head using a frying pan. I knocked him out using the frying pan. Woah. It works.

Elsa's Pov

"So you're telling me that he left? Left to what? To get ice cream for you?" Anna said while giggling. I didn't looked happy with that. I frowned and looked away.
"Oh. Sorry. I guess I'm the the only one whose heart is feeling.....hurt." She said in a depressed tone. She sighed and looked at her feet. What does she mean?

"My best friend......I......too late." She tried to explain it to me but can't. She sobbed and said." I feel you." She patted my back. I raised an eyebrow at her and said." Love isn't love if you're not hurting." And with that she laughed and said." Hate isn't hate if there's not love. Hahaha." She hugged me and said." I'm glad that you're my sis." "Me too." I said while smiling. She was about to open her mouth to speak when my phone rang. Not again! Please don't tell me that it's Jack.
It wasn't. It was Hiccup. I excused myself and went out of the living room.

"Hey? How you doing?" I said while looking at my feet. I waited for a minute.
"Doesn't matter. I just want somebody to talk to." He said in a unhappy tone. I guess, he's having problems with Mer. Love problems.

I heard him sigh and say. " She rejected me."
"So what? Do I sound like I care? No. I have my own problems too." I said.

"Another arguement again? I'm sure it will not last that long." He said. Sure? Seriously?

"You think? It can last long you idiot." I said. He fake laughed and said." Want to join me later? You know to clear out my mind. I'm just going to watch the new movie, Zootopia. Wanna come?" I don't think so. Later? Maybe, I should. "I don't think so. Maybe." I said unsure.
"So are you coming?" He said. I was about to reply when my phone was snatched away from me. I turned around and saw him, Jack. He looked pissed. "Who are you talking to on the phone?!" He yelled at me. I stared directly at his icy blue eyes and said." It's just-" But he cut me off with a forceful kiss. He placed my phone on his ear and yelled." She's not coming." Then he ended the call. I pushed him away and said." Why did you do that?"

He just grabbed my arm and hugged me possessively. I was about to speak when he yelled at me. "You're only mine! You got it!" I struggled to get out of his grip but can't.
What is wrong with you? What's up with you?! Why so possessive?

I stopped struggling and looked at him. "Why are you acting like this?" I said as I touched his cheek. He turned red and said nothing.
"I wasn't acting different." He said. He held my hand that was touching his cheek and kissed it. I blushed. Then his calm aura disappeared. "Do not talk to boys except for me." He said then he hugged me tight. Oh geez.

"But it was only Hiccup that I was talking to." I said and with that he yelled. "He can't steal what's mine just because he got rejected and was such coward for admitting his feelings for Merida!" Um. I gulped and said." He just need someone to talk to." I pushed him away and looked at him.

"Just need someone to talk to? That's what you call it nowadays. He can't talk to you. Don't hang out with boys that isn't me. Don't talk to boys except for me." He said and smiled at me. He went to the living room leaving me standing here. Oh gosh. Now he's being possessive.

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