Hawks x female reader

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(A/N: You work as a nurse in a hospital and you have a very powerful healing quirk. If you wanna heal someone, you just put your hands on their chest or the wounded part, and then some blue thing comes out of it and the person gets healed by it. Just like the picture above which I don't own. Just imagine blue coming out except green.)

3rd Person's P.O.V

You were one of the most powerful nurses in the hospital. With your quirk, you were perfect for this job. You had healed many people and it always works the best.

'Miss Y/N L/N please report to the room 276, emergency. Please report as fast as you can.' A announcement caught your attention. You left everything, grabbed your coat and clipboard and ran to room 276. You opened the door and you see a certain person sitting on the bed, the no.2 hero, Hawks sitting there while holding his hand and in pain.

'Hello sir.' You say and he looks at you and gives you a weak smile. His wings were damaged and his clothes were half ripped from some places.

'Hello and just call me Hawks.' He says and you nod. You check out his wounds and then sighed.

'You can fix all this?' He asks. You look at him and chuckle.

'Why do you think I'm here Hawks?' You say and he smiles. He loved the way you said his name. He loved every feature of you. The way your h/c hair was tied in a messy bun. You e/c orbs checking his wounds and your voice instantly calming him down.

'Okay now sit tight. I'm gonna fix this okay?' You say and he nod.

'Can you take off your shirt please?' You say. He smirks.

'So eager?' He said smiling evil.

'I MEANT FOR THE HEALING PROCESS!' You say blushing like an idiot. He laughs at your flustered face which he liked too much. He takes off his shirt and you put your hands on his chest and activate your quirk. He groans at how good it feels. You keep it there for but 2 minutes and chuckle at his happy face. You healed all his body wounds but not the wings. You looks at him.

'Uh can I heal your wings?' You ask. He hesitates for a moment but nods.

'Don't worry I won't do anything bad to your wings. And besides I like them, they're pretty.' You say smiling. His eyes lights up as you compliment his wings. His feathers twitches meaning he's a lot happy. You put your hands on his wings and started healing them. He groans again because it feels nice when you heal him. You chuckle once again.

He smiles hearing your laugh. It hasn't been 1 hour since he met you and he already likes everything about you. You're so pretty, he thought. You healed his whole body in less than 10 minutes and it drained a lot of your energy since he had a lot of cuts and bruises on his body. Sweat dripped down your forehead and you smile at him wiping the sweat.

'All done.' You say. He's shocked. He gets up and stretch his body. His smiles believing that you really healed his whole body.

'So doing this all, does it have any side effects?' He asks while putting on his clothes.

'Yeah it does. If I use it too much, then it'll drain my energy too much. And if I wanna fully heal someone, I'll have no energy left. So yeah but I have a lot of energy so I don't get drained that easily.' You say writing his reports on the paper. He nods.

'Well I would love to make you my personal doctor.' He says and your eyes widened.

'E-Excuse me?' You say confused. He laughs.

'I'm kidding. But if I wanted to, I could.' He said. You nervously smile at him having no idea what he's talking about.

'Have dinner with me.' He says. Your eyes widen again.

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