Shouta Aizawa x female reader [smut]

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[you are a pro-hero too. You and him have been dating for 1 year]

3rd person's P.O.V

You returned home after ignoring Aizawa today. 

You had ignored him all day and didn't even spare him a glance. It was for a prank you thought would be funny. You smirked as you heard the car being parked and some very fast footsteps. You sat on the sofa with with arms on your thighs as you looked at the door. It flung open which revealed a smirking Aizawa. You didn't really expect this reaction. You frowned.


You were quickly shut up by Aizawa wrapping you around his scarf and pinning you to the wall. He leaned down and whispered in your ear.

'Do you really think that nothing will happen if you ignore me kitten?~' He said in your ear. You shivered. 

'Yes. Now get the fuck off of me!' You said staying in character. He smirked.

'Nope. I think you need my attention now. And I'll give you the attention you want you slut.' He said as picked you up by thighs and carried you to the room.

'W-Wait!' You said as he harshly threw you on the bed. 

He went to the wardrobe and took out a familiar box. You gulped.

'You k-know we c-can talk about t-this. It w-was just a-a prank!' You said as you shifted backwards in the bed.

'Too late kitten.' He said.

He grabbed the back of your neck as he kissed you roughly. He bit your bottom lip asking for permission and you granted him the permission. He explored every part of your mouth. You didn't know when he started unbuttoning your shirt. You pulled away for air but he pulled you in again after a second not giving you time to breathe. You pulled away again and he threw your shirt and bra to somewhere in the room. He started kissing down your neck as you titled your head to give him more space. He bit and sucked on each part of your neck making sure to leave hickeys all over your neck and chest. You moaned at the feeling. 

'Shouta~' You moaned. 

He pushed you back on the bed as he took off his shirt revealing his awesome abs. You tried to touch them but he swatted your hands away and pinned them about your head. He started kissing you all over your chest and stomach leaving hickeys. You moaned as he came in contact with the waistband of your pants/skirt. He pulled away as he opened the box and took out handcuffs and cuffed your hands to the headboard behind your head. He got off your jeans/skirt along with your panties. He threw them somewhere too. He got off and tied your each ankle to each side of the pole beside your bed. [I don't know how that works but you know spread your legs open and tied them to each corner of the bed].

'W-What are you doing?' You asked as he got off the bed. 

'Giving you the punishment you deserve.' He answered. You gulped as you saw him take out the small black vibrator and it's remote control. 

'S-Shouta w-we-'

'That is not my name right now kitten.' He said as he hovered over you. 

He kissed you roughly. You wanted to touch his hair but your hands and legs were tied. He pulled away as he inserted the vibrator inside you without warning.

'Aghn~' You moaned as it went inside. 

Shouta chuckled as he got off the bed and turned the vibrator on to its highest setting at once.

'AH!' You screamed as you felt it vibrate suddenly. 

'Now, I'll be doing some of my work for the next 2 hours while you take your punishment. Okay kitten?' He said as he kissed your forehead and went out of the door.

'W-WAIT NO!' You shouted as you moaned again. 

You kept moaning as tears streamed down your face. You moaned and clenched your fists as you took the pleasure. After moaning and drawing blood from your palm and lips, you came for the first time this hour. But this wasn't the first time you were gonna cum.

~2 hours of moaning, panting and 6 orgasms later~

'S-SHOUTA PLEASE STOP NOW!' You screamed as you came for the 7th time. 

Suddenly you felt the vibrator go off and you sighed. You sighed as you relaxed a little and panted from the relief. You opened your eyes and saw Shouta standing by the door watching your messed up face.

Your face and body was red. So was your clit. Your lips were bleeding as your chest rose up and down panting for air. The sight he could get used to everyday. 

'Aw is my kitten tired?' Aizawa asked as he fake pouted. You threw your head back as you nodded. You were beyond tired. You couldn't take anymore. But you didn't know what was coming for you next.

'But that's not even the best part.' He said as he hovered over you after he untied your legs.

You grunted as his hand got closed to your clit. His index and middle finger went inside and took the vibrator. You moaned at the relief. You heard the unbuckling of pants as your eyes widened and they flew open.

'I-I can't take it a-anymore.' You whined. He smirked as he hovered over you again and slammed into you.

'AHH!' You screamed as he slammed into you without warning. 

Tears streamed down your face as he groaned and mumbled something about you still being so tight.

'Jeez kitten do I need to prep you more?' He said and he thrusted into you in and out.

'Shouta p-please.' You begged but he didn't listen.

He knew that if it would be too much for you, you wouldn't hesitate say the safe word you both created. He thrusted in and out as he untied your hands. You both moaned as he fastened his pace. He fondled with one of your breasts as he took one in his mouth and sucked on it. He swirled his tongue as you arched your back and moaned. You screamed and moaned at the pain and pleasure. Tears streamed down your face. You couldn't take it anymore. You were beyond tired and you couldn't feel your legs anymore. But you did seem to enjoy the pleasure he was giving you.

'Ahh Shouta please~' You moaned begging him to stop. He thrusted into your harder as he gripped your thighs. You were sure that blood was gonna drip down any moment now.

'Blue! Blue..' You screamed as he quickly pulled out and looked at you in panic.

'I-I'm sorry.' He said as he noticed the slight blood coming out of your clit. 

You smiled a little as he ran to the bathroom and came back with a clean warm cloth. He cleaned you up and dressed you in his shirt and shorts. He threw on his boxers and came to the bed with you. You snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his hand around your waist.

'I am so sorry Kitten. I was too rough. I'm sorry.' He said as he kissed your forehead.

'Its okay Shouta. It's fine. Let's sleep.' You said as you kissed his cheeks. You both snuggled up against each other and slept peacefully. 

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