I'm sorry| Katsuki Bakugo x female reader [angst]

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(You both are already dating for a year and a half. Your quirk is white flames.)

3rd Person's P.O.V

'Hey, I need to talk to you.' Bakugo Katsuki, your boyfriend said. You smiled at him not knowing what's coming for you next.

'Okay Katsu what's up?' You asked flipping the bottle in your hand while you guys walked around Ground Beta.

'Le-Let's break u-up.' He said looking away.

Your heart stopped for a moment. You stopped playing with the bottle in your hands and looked directly at your boyfriend. Perhaps you heard him wrong right?

'W-What?' You asked hoping that you heard him wrong.

'I said let's b-break up.' He said not wanting to look at your broken face.

You dropped the bottle in your hands which made a loud thud sound. Tears formed into your eyes as you looked at now, your ex-boyfriend.

'But-But why?' You asked him reaching out for him.

'...Because you're just holding me back. I don't have time for these relationships if I wanna become the no.1 hero. I need to concentrate on my fucking training and I can't really do it because you're always there. So I'm saying let's break up.' He said as he backed away and turned around to leave.

'So, that's i-it? You're j-just gonna leave l-like this?' You asked as tears dropped from your eyes. Bakugo sighed, he knew it was gonna be hard.

The real reason he was doing this wasn't because you were holding him back, it was because he thought, he was holding you back.

You had to deal with his constant mood swings and his constant drama. You were there whenever he wanted you to be even if that meant cancelling your training or cancelling plans with your friends. He didn't like that. He didn't like that you were putting everything away, just for the sake of him. He didn't wanna hold you back. He loved you so much, he couldn't see someone he loves stay back because he was holding them back. He wanted you to succeed and become a nice person without him.

'Y/N you have to understand-'


He was a little taken back because you never screamed at him like that. He had never seen you crying and a mess like this before. Guess, this relationship was just about him wasn't it. And he felt guilty for that.

'It isn't nothing. It's just something you won't understand.' Bakugo said trying to just break up withy you knowing that it would hurt the both of you a lot.

'There isn't anything I don't understand about you! You need to tell me the real reason. I'm not letting you go for a shitty reason.' You told him as tears streamed down his face too.

He collapsed on the ground with your hands in his. You collapsed with him. You cried even more as he snuggled into the crook of your neck and cried.

'The real reason is that.. I think I'm holding you back. You're always there for me no matter what. You always cancel your fucking trainings to be with me and I don't fucking like that. It was the same with Shitty Deku and All Might. I don't wanna hold you back. It feels... it feels like I am the reason you're never gonna become a successful hero. It hurts knowing that.. you're sacrificing everything for me, and I just.. can't do anything for you.' He cried and tells you between sobs. 

Your eyes widened as you finally realised what the situation was. He was blaming himself. He blames himself for holding you back when he just makes you more stronger.

'No baby look at me..' You said as you removed him from your neck and cupped his cheeks making him look at you.

'You aren't holding me back. Don't blame yourself. You are just the reason I feel stronger. I wanna become stronger so that I can protect you. And as for the cancelling plans, you really think Aizawa sensei would let me off the hook that easily? I of course train when I get free. You don't hold me back. You are my motivation to become stronger. So don't leave me please.'  You said as he looked in your crying eyes.

'Really?' He asked as he leaned forward.

'Really..' You said.

And then your lips connected. You both felt all kinds of sparks inside you as you both kissed. You pulled back and looked into each other's eyes.

'I'm sorry.' He softly said as he hugged you. 

You smiled as you hugged him back and held him tightly.

'I love you.' You said as you kissed his cheek. A pink blush tinted on his cheeks as he looked away.

'Yeah yeah I love you too.' He said as you both went back to the dorm.



I know this is shit, I'm sorry. This i the last chapter and I'm kinda closing this book now. I'll start writing a new Haikyuu oneshots book.

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