Late night cuddles | Katsuki Bakugo x female! reader

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(This story contains soft Bakugo and cuddles. You both are roommates in this.)

3rd person's P.O.V

You couldn't sleep. You kept tossing and turning. Nightmares and anxiety got the best of you. You were afraid to close your eyes because whenever you did, the nightmares begun. You sighed and sat up. You looked over to your roommate Katsuki Bakugo who was fast asleep. 

Or so you thought. You got up and went to get a cup of water. You slowly drank the water thinking about the best way you could fall asleep. You heard shuffling coming from behind you. You looked behind you and saw Bakugo sitting up and staring at you. You sat facing him. 

'Another nightmare?' He asked. You chuckled at how predictable you were.

'Yeah.' You said. He turned on the night lamp so you both could get a good look of each other. He was wearing a black loose tank top which showed his muscles perfectly. He was wearing brown sweat pants with it and his hair was all messy. You looked into his eyes and you could see... worry?

'Are you ever gonna tell me what those nightmares are about?' He asked. You shook your head smiling a little. He sighed while rolling his eyes. 

'You do know that you can talk to me if you like right?' He said. Your nodded. He was all angry and a boom boom boy outside the world but with you he was soft and so nice. He knew you didn't like yelling so he controls himself. 

'You know, I really wish that I could have a normal night where these shitty nightmares won't be there. Just a nice sleep.' You say sighing. He looks at you for a couple of seconds thinking about something you couldn't figure out. You spent the next 10 minutes talking about useless shit. You stopped when you saw Bakugo yawning.

'Katsuki you know, just go to sleep. I'll be fine.' You say. He looks at you.

'Come here.' He say patting his lap and having an innocent look on his face. You frowned.

'Why?' You ask. He rolls his eyes.

'To help you sleep better you dumbass.' He says. You smile.

'Aw does Katsuki wanna cuddle?' You ask giggling. He gives you a death glare.

'Are you coming or not?' He asks yawing once again. You give up and go to his bed and sit on his lap. You wrap you legs around his waist and you throw your arms around his neck. He wraps his hands around your waist. You rest your head on his shoulder. He rubs your back and you yawn. He lays down on his bed and you clung onto him like a koala bear. He turns off the light and hold you by your waist rubbing small circles there. You play with his hair and he sighs meaning he likes it. You decided to annoy him. You stop playing with his hair and smirk a little. His eyes snap open and he grunts.

'Why'd you stop?' He asks. You smile ans shrug.

'I don't know. Did you like it?' You ask wanting to hear it coming out of his mouth. He grunts again.

'Yes.' He says almost coming out as a whisper. You smile against his skin and start playing with his hair again. He smiles again your neck. He kisses his and unfortunately he kissed directly on your sweet spot causing you to let out a little moan. He smirks and keeps kissing it again and again until you practically had to put a hand on his mouth stopping him. He gets an idea and licks your hand. You make a disgusting face and wiped it on his tank top.

'EWW WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!' You whisper yell at him. He chuckles and pulls you back down in his chest. You rest your face on his chest and he snuggles more into your neck. You both hold each other tight. You both soon drift off to sleep. And this time, it wasn't nightmares, it was the dream of you and Katsuki together. 

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