He asks you out

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💚Izuku Midoriya💚

He was damn nervous about asking you out. Despite the confident comments from his squad, he was hella nervous. But finally in the lunch time he decided to do it. He asks you to meet him alone. When you do, his face is all red, he's kinda shaking.

'y-y/n I-I really l-like you w-will you be my g-g-girlfriend? P-please?' He asks. Your eyes widened because you've like him too. You nodded furiously as a big smile plasters across his face.

'Of course I'll be your girlfriend, dummy.' You say. He becomes extremely happy and hugs you. You happily return the hug.

'Oh and I like you too.' You say while resting your head on his chest. He blushed a lot and kissed your forehead. Then again blushes knowing what he did. You chuckle seeing how adorable he is.

🧡Katsuki Bakugo🧡

The whole bakusquad knew he liked you a lot. This guy just doesn't know how to represent his feeling without yelling. He gets all embarrassed and just does nothing. He finally gets the courage to do that. You were eating in the common room of the dorms. He walks upto you knowing that Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari and Sero are watching him. He walks upto you and looks at you for a second. You feel his presence and look up to see who it was.

'Oh hi baku.' You say and you could see a tint of red across his face. You frowned not knowing what he wants.

'Listen up. I'm only gonna say this once so you better pay attention.' He says. You stand up and look at him dead in the eyes. He gulped the lump in his throat.

'Ireallylikeyousobemygirlfriendorelsefacetheconsequences.' He says in one go. You blink rapidly trying to figure out what he just said.

'What?' You say. He sighs.

'Listen dumbass. I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend?' He said and your eyes widened. THE KATSUKI BAKUGO IS CONFESSING TO YOU!? Is this a dream or something? You shook out of your trance and smile widely.

'Well?' He asks impatiently. You roll you eyes and hug him really tight wrapping your arms around his torso. His eyes widened and he blushes furiously.

'I like you too Bakugo. I really like you too.' You say and he wraps his hands around your waist and rests his head on your head.

'Good.' He says and you both smile a little.

💙Shoto Todoroki💙

You were walking down the hallways when a certain voice stops you.

'Hey Y/N wait up!' Shoto yells. You turn around and see his making his way to you. You smile and wave at him. He waves back.

'Hey wanna train at my house today?' He asks. You think about it for a moment and then nod. 

'Sure I'll be there after school.' You say and he nods. 

~time skip~

You were done training and now you were sitting on the floor drinking water. You both had a spar and unfortunately you lost. Shoto kneels in front of you and smile. You look in his bi coloured eyes and blush.

'There's something I've been wanting to ask you for a very long time.' He says. You nod.

'What's up Sho?' You say. He smiles and sighs.


'Come on spit it out what is it-'

'I like you. I have liked you since the very day we met. And I really want you to be mine. So will you be mine Y/N?' He asks. You smile and kiss his cheek. His eyes widened.

'Does this answer your question?' You says smiling. He smirks.

'No.' You huff.

'You really want me to say it?' You say and he nods.

'Well Sho I like you too. And I really really like you.' You say and he tries to hug you but you put a hand on his chest.

'First let's get cleaned up. I'm smelly and sweaty.' You say and he chuckles while nodding. You both get cleaned up.

❤️Eijiro Kirishima❤️

You were going to your room when you heard sniffles coming from the kitchen. Who could be crying at 3 in the morning?(why the hell were you awake Y/N? -_-) You make your way to the kitchen and turn on the lights. You saw Kirishima sitting while hugging his knees close to his chest.

'Kiri what happened?' You say and he flinches a little. You quickly wiped his tears and turn his head preventing you from seeing his crying face.

'Don't look at me. It isn't manly of me to cry.' He say. You go to him and put a hand on his cheek. He puts his leg down and you sit on his lap.

'Hey! What's wrong kiri?' You ask.

'M-my m-mom *sniff* has c-c *sniff* cancer. She's dying Y/N, she's dying.' He sayd as he wraps his hands around your waist and snuggles into your chest. You wrap your arms around his neck and shush him.

'It'll be alright kiri. She's very strong. She'll make it through.' You say comforting him. He nods.

'Thank you Y/N. Thank you for always being there for me. And this isn't very manly but-'

'Hey, even men deserve to cry. They aren't robots okay? They're allowed to show their feelings too.' You say. He smiled and you do too.

'I love you Y/N. I do.' He says blushing a little. You chuckle.

'I love you too kiri. I love you in every manly way you could ever imagine.' You say laughing and he rolls his eyes.

'Ha ha ha very funny Y/N. But true.' He says. You both snuggle into each other's necks and fell asleep right there, smiling about how lucky you are to have each other.

💛Denki Kaminari💛

You were sitting under a tree talking about how boring today's day was. You didn't know kirishima, sero and mina were hiding behind the tree preparing Denki's confession things. You heard a stick break so you stood up and looked around to who it was. You saw no one so you turned back to him only to find him kneeling on one knee while a red rose in his hands. Kirishima behind him holding 'be' and sero in between holding 'my' and then mina holding 'girlfriend?' You gasped at the scene you saw.

'Y/N I really like you and I really want you to be mine and mine only. I promise that I'll always keep you happy. Be mine?' He said. You had your hand on your mouth. You were speechless. After a few seconds you removed your hand and smiled. You laughed a little and said yes. The three chipmunks behind him started celebrating as Denki got up and gave you the rose. You hugged him and he picked you up and spun you around in joy.



Man it's harder than I thought it would be.

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