Katsuki Bakugo x female quirkless reader

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3rd person's P.O.V

You and Bakugo have been in a relationship for 4 months. You go to a simple school while he goes to UA and deals with danger everyday. You've kinda changed him. He doesn't shout as much, he tries to control his cusses. His friends seemed impresses and wanted to meet you. His friends still haven't met you because you both decided to keep it a secret but it eventually got blown up when he told them that while he was shouting at them. Bakugo was gonna walk you home today.

'Bakubro let us meet your girlfriend. We wanna see what she's like.' Kirishima says. Bakugo makes a 'tch' sound and shakes his head.

'Absolutely fucking not. I'm not taking you shitheads to meet her.' He says walking away from them. They eventually got Bakugo to agree. Well he didn't actually agree but the rest of the bakusquad just followed him. They stopped in front of a high school and they just stood outside waiting for you.

'I wonder who is the girl that mostly changed our bakubro.' Denki says.

'I bet she's the mom type. She always tells him not to cuss or always scolds him when he does something bad.' Sero says and Bakugo rolls his eyes controlling himself from beating the shit out of these people. He looks at the gate one more time but it was still 10 minutes left till you came out.

'No I bet she's all girly girly type who's clingy but beautiful.' Denki says.

'IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE HELL UP I AM GOING TO BLOW YOUR FACES OFF.' Bakugo yells at them. They just quiet down and wait for you to come out. People started coming out and Bakugo sighs. You eventually come out after 5 minutes.

'Oi Katsuki!' You say waving at them. Bakugo waves back and then you run to him. You hug him and he just pats your back. You seemed confused because he usually hugs you back. You see around to see 4 people staring at you while their jaws were dropped and their eyes wide.

'Uh who are they?' You ask.

'They're some fucking extras from my class.' Bakugo introduces. You roll your eyes but you understand that they are his friends.

'So you're his UA friends?' You ask smiling. They just nod.

'Hi I'm Mina Ashido.' A pink girl introduces. You shake her hand and nod.

'I'm Y/N.' You say.

'You're really pretty.' She says. Bakugo suddenly holds your hand. Mina laughs.

'Chill Bakuhoe I'm not gonna take her away from you.' She says and you all except Bakugo erupt into laughter.

'WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME YOU RACOON EYES?!' He screams but stops once you look at him pouting. He sighs and rolls his eyes.

'Anyway I'm Eijiro Kirishima.' A red guy with spiky hair introduces. You shake his hand. Bakugo squeezes your hand a little. You look at him and frown.

'I'm Denki Kaminari.' Another guy with yellow hair introduces. You shake his hand too nodding.

'I'm Hanta Sero.' The guy with black hair introduces.

'Well it's really nice to meet you all.' You say. Before you all could say anything Bakugo interrupted you.

'OKAY NOW GO AWAY ME AND Y/N HAVE TO GO. MOVE IT EXTRAS.' He yells at them. They just nod and say goodbye to you. Bakugo drags you away from there and you started walking towards his home.

'They seem nice.' You say to him. He glares at you but then pulls you closer to him and puts his arms around your shoulder.

'Yeah?' He asks and you just say hmm as a response. He just squeezes you tightly which makes you yelp.

'What the hell!' You say pushing him away. He chuckled a little while you smile hearing his laugh.

'Can you stay sometime at my house today?' He asks while he was dragging you inside his house.

'Yeah sure why not.' You sarcastically say. He smirks and leads you to his bedroom. (Not in that way bakas)

'So how was your day?' You ask as you put your bags down.

'It was fucking boring and tiring. That Aizawa made us train a lot.' He said as he plopped on the bed and patted the empty space next to him. You take off your coat and lay next to him. He immediately put an arm around your waist and snuggles into your neck. You put your arms around his neck and smile.

'You tired babe?' You ask him. You doesn't say anything for a moment then he sighs.

'Yeah. I am.' He says. You kiss his neck and then you can practically feel his smile on your neck. He soon fell asleep with you in his arms. But you couldn't. You kept thinking about what would happen if something happened to him. There's always villain attacks or some danger at UA. What if he gets hurt? You don't even have a quirk so that you could protect him somehow. You thought so much, that you didn't notice the hot tears streaming down your face. But Bakugo did. He knew what you were thinking about. You and him and discussed this many times but you still can't get over it. You still can't think what would happen if something bad happened. He holds you more tightly.

'Listen I'm not good at these comforting things but it's.... it's gonna be okay. I know what you are thinking about. If I have to become a hero, then I have to face some danger. Don't cry. I'll be fine. Nobody can harm me. After all I am Lord Murder Explosion. Right?' He says which makes you chuckle.

'Yes you are. And I like this soft side of yours more. When you're not yelling or cussing just cuddling with me and telling me good things.' You say wiping your tears.

'Shut up dumbass.' He says but you knew he was smiling.

'Yeah yeah.' You say. You both hold each other tightly and then drift off to sleep. Little did you know, Mitsuki and your mom were listening to all that. They slightly opened the door, not wanting to wake you both up. They quietly took some pictures and giggled. When they saw you shifting a bit, they quickly made their way out of the room.



Man this was so emotional to write. Well, I'm an overthinker. I overthink many things, from small things to the biggest things. I just... nvm.

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