Shoto Todoroki x female reader.

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(This is a little angst chapter. And this is a hella long chapter. You both are adults in this and your quirk isn't really important in this one but you can chose whatever you want.)

3rd person's P.O.V

You were roaming around and buying stuff for you and your boyfriend of 7 months, Shoto Todoroki. You both moved in together after graduating from UA. You came across the gates of your house. You remembered how you both first met.


You were walking around in the book store looking for some interesting book. You came across a book called 'All this Time' (I know this won't be in Japanese library but still it's my favourite book) by Mikki Daughtry and Rachael Lippincott. You were about to grab it when a hand beat you to it. You looked at the person who's hand was there. You saw a man with bi-coloured eyes and hair. His hair was half red and half white. His left eye was blue and had a scar around it. His right eye was black and he was extremely handsome and taller than you. 

'I'm sorry. I'll go look for another book.' You say turning around. A hand on your shoulder stops you. You turn around and saw the male smiling a little at you.

'It's okay, I already have this book. I just wanted my friend to read this so I was checking if it was the right book or not.' He said handing you the book. You took the book from his hands and blushed a little.

'Uh thank you...' 

'Shoto Todoroki.' He said extending his hand. You shook his hand and nodded.

'Hello Todoroki.. I'm Y/N L/N but just call me Y/N.' You told him. He nodded and looked away.

'Well.. would you like to look out some books with me?' He said blushing a bit. You seemed surprised but nodded. He thought about every pretty feature about you. (Don't you dare say you're not pretty or any feature of you is not pretty because it is.) You hair, your eyes, your lips and your beautiful voice. (Though I sound like a donkey but still..)

'Um sure why not.' You said walking with him and checking some books out. You both spent the next hour or two, talking about your favourite books and many types of books.

end of flashback

After that, you both became good friends and you both got along pretty well. You both developed a huge crush on each other. After 2 months of knowing each other, Shoto proposed you and you said yes to being his girlfriend. You both were very happy. Then after 1 month, he asked you to move in with him and you happily said yes. You both were very happy.

But lately, Shoto seemed to be more distant. He would go out before you woke up and come back late at night. You knew he had a pretty hard job but you worked as well. You always seemed to spend your day off waiting for him to show up at home so you could spend time with each other. He barely talked to you and he barely answered your texts or calls. He seemed more cold towards you. Today, he came late again. You were awake as usual. You went up to him and stood in front of him. You wanted to make things right.

'Shoto, what's up. We've been barely spending time with each other.' You softly said as he took off his tie.

'Yeah well unlike you some people have to work.' He said scoffing. You couldn't believe what he was saying. He was more colder than usual.

'I do work! And unlike you, I make time for us.' You shouted. He glared at you. You fought each other for several minutes. Tears were streaming down your face from the harsh words he said. 

'YOU KNOW WHAT I WISH I NEVER MET YOU! I WISH I NEVER MET YOU IN THAT SHITTY BOOK STORE! I WOULD HAVE BEEN FINE WITHOUT YOU, THIS ALL RELATIONSHIP BULLSHIT!' He shouted at you. You froze. Your eyes widened. Shoto looked at you and realised what he said. 

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