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💚Izuku Midoriya💚

You saw Deku and Uraraka talking too much these days. They were together all day. He laughed so hard with each other. He was barely spending time with you. Both of them blushed. You were walking to confront your boyfriend. A expected he was with her. Tears started to fill in your eyes.

'Are you cheating on me!?' You shouted at him. Him and Uraraka immediately got up from their seats. He looked at you confused.

'What? Of course not what are you talking about n/n?' He asked innocently. You glared at Uraraka and she took it as a sign to leave. She quickly left the room. 

'You barely spend time with me anymore. You're always with her. Whenever I try to spend time with you, you're either training or sleeping. You never have time for me anymore. Do you even fucking realise how much it hurts me to see you laugh or spend more time with her!? Can you even imagine? No you can't, because I'm so freaking loyal that I don't even talk to another guy for more than 5 minutes because that's how much I love you. But lately I feel like you don't.' You say, your face a crying mess. Your eyes bloodshot as your face was all red. Everybody gathered around you. Izuku's eyes widened as guilt showed all over his face.

'Y/N I'm so sorry, I didn't realise.' He said looking down.

'No why would you, you were too busy with Uraraka. How would you notice how your GIRLFRIEND feels like.' You say crying even more. Deku looked so gulity. Guilt and sadness plastered all over his face. Before he could say anything, you marched off from there locking yourself in your dorm.

🧡Katsuki Bakugo🧡

Bakugo was pissed off because him and Deku had another fight and yet again, deku found some way to piss him off. All that poor guy does is look upto him. He was in a really bad mood. You heard about it and went in his dorm to comfort him. You knocked but no one answered. You just went in and saw your boyfriend pacing back and forth.

'Katsu what happened?' You ask softly and he stops pacing around. He looks at you and shiver runs down your spine due to his cold glare. They were a mixed bunch of anger, sadness and hatred.

'NOTHING HAPPENED LEAVE ME ALONE!' He yelled at you which made you flinch. You knew that he didn't mean that so you went closer to him and put your hand on his cheek. He was in much more anger than you thought. You grabbed your wrist and threw you across the wall. You yelped in pain as your back hit the wall. You looked at your wrist and it was burned. He looked at you and then scoffed and mumbled something. You got up and tears were welling up in your eyes. He realised what he did and then took a step closer but you stopped him. You looked at him with sadness in your eyes and then left the room ignoring his calls. How could he do this? He is your boyfriend for the love of god.

💙Shoto Todoroki💙

Shoto was really pissed because he had another fight with his father. Enji wanted Shoto to be more and more stronger to beat all might but Shoto wanted nothing to do with that. He was the angriest you've ever seen. He was in his dorm room breaking things. You heard it while you were passing his room. You frowned and knocked.

'Leave me alone please.' He said. You shook your head.

'Shoto it's me Y/N can I come in?' You say. You heard him grunting then suddenly the door opened. You backed away seeing a really pissed off Shoto. You gulped because he looked scarier than ever.

'What part of leave me alone do you not understand?! I get it that you're my girlfriend but still. I need some personal space but clearly I can't have it because you're always there!' He said. Your eyes widened. You give him a sad smile and nodded. Then you made your way back to your dorm. You heard him sigh. You locked your door and cried all night.

❤️Eijiro Kirishima❤️

You were walking down the corridor when you heard some muffled voices. You frowned and being the nosy person you are, you went there. You could hear 2 voices. You peeked to see Kiri and Bakugo talking.

'Why do you even like that shithead?' Bakugo asked kiri. You frowned and rolled your eyes.

'I ask myself that everyday.' Kiri answered and you felt your heart drop. What? He doesn't like you? Means he was just using you? You were so lost in crying that you didn't notice the tears coming out of your eyes. You quickly sprinted away to your dorm. Without hearing the full conversation.

'And I get the answer, I just don't like her. I love her. I love everything about her. She's really beautiful.' Kiri said. You didn't hear it.

💛Denki Kaminari💛

Denki started flirting with different girls once again out of nowhere. You notices it when you found some girl, her hand over his shoulder and they were laughing their hearts out. You felt angered. But then you brushed it off thinking that they were probably talking about something else. That was until you saw him laughing and flirting with different girls everyday. 

'Denki why do you flirt with girls these days?' You asked him. He looked at you and frowned.

'I don't.' He said. You scoffed.

'I've heard you do it Denki. Do I honestly look that stupid that to you?' You said. He huffed like nothing happened and then looked away. What has gotten into him? Why is he acting this way? 

'Why are you- what's gotten into you Denki?' You said angrily. He shook his head refusing to talk to you. You huff and walk away from him.



Damn, it was hard to write. Like you have to think of so many ideas, and worse, DIFFERENT. Jeez, I'm having writers block. Hehehe.

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