Katsuki Bakugo x female reader

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(You both are adults in this and Katsuki is already a pro hero.)

3rd person's P.O.V

Katsuki was dragged in the club by his best friends. All the 1-A students were having a get together in this club. They all were pro-heroes and some were already in a relationship while some were not. Katsuki was practically dragged in the club to finally get laid and to get away from his hero work. He hasn't found his perfect partner yet. They were currently drinking and playing truth dare giving each other crazy dares.

'Bakubro your turn.' Kirishima told him. Katsuki groaned and took a shot of his drink.

'Dare.' He shouted over the music. Kaminari smirked and pointed to a girl behind him.

'I dare you to take that girl's number.' He said. Katsuki glared at him before getting up and going towards the girl. She was sitting there laughing and drinking.

'Hey.' Katsuki greeted her. She looked at him and smiled.

'Hi.' The girl replied. Katsuki sighed and told her about the dare.

'Oh don't worry I have that kind of friends too.' The girl said laughing.

'Hi I'm R/N (random name).' Katsuki shook her hand and took a seat beside her.

'Where are your friends?' Katsuki asked. The girl pointed at a group of girls dancing and laughing together. But none of them seem to catch his eyes.

'Anyone catch your eye?' R/N asked giggling. Katsuki shook his head.

'Nah. NONE OF THEM ARE MY TYPE.' Katsuki yelled. The girl smirked.

'Well if you wait for exact 2 minutes, one of my friends is gonna be here. She might catch your eye and she's single.' R/N replied smiling a little.

'Okay I will wait. Just let me tell my friends.' Katsuki said. He went off and told his friends to continue without him for sometime. He told them the reason and turned around to walk over to R/N. He walked to her and sat down beside her.

'When is she gonna be here?' Katsuki asked impatient. 

'Oh any second now.' R/N replied. As soon as she replied, the gates opened and revealed a h/c haired girl coming in.

'There she is.' R/N said pointing to the door where you were coming from. Katsuki looked at the way she was pointing and his eyes immediately widened. Her h/c hair was slaying. She was wearing *your choice of party dress* and she looked incredibly amazing in that. Her eyes roamed around and finally got in contact with his red ones. He was immediately lost in her eyes. You walked up to your friend while still holding eye contact with the blond handsome looking guy. 

'Hey R/N.' You said as you hugged her. R/N smirked slightly as she handed over her drink to you and went over to dance with the other girls. Katsuki was still lost in your beauty. His jaws were dropped. It was the first time a girl caught his eyes like this.

'Hey there.' You said waving your hand in front of his face to pull him out of his trance. Katsuki shook his head and mumbled something.

'Hey.' He said softly. You smiled at him and then turned around to order yourself and him a drink. Katsuki froze seeing your beautiful smile.

'I'm L/N Y/N. But you can call me N/N.' You introduced to him. He shook your hand and nodded.

'I'm Katsuki Bakugo. Just call me Katsuki.' He said. You smiled once again and gave him the drink you ordered. He muttered a quick thanks and took a sip of his drink.

'So you are R/N's date or something?' You asked him. He frowned and shook his head.

'No. My friends gave me a dare to ask for her number and we were casually talking when she asked me if any of her friends caught my eye. I said no and then she told me that someone would and then you walked in. Totally caught my eye.' He said muttering the last part. Shit, what's wrong with me. Why am I being so polite and shit? Katsuki thought.

'She does that. So did I catch your eye?' You asked playfully. You snickered when you saw his flustered face.

'NO!' Katsuki yelled. You laughed a little loudly seeing him get all frustrated. 

'Calm down, I was joking.' You asked taking a sip of your drink. He grumbled something which you couldn't hear. You decided to ignore it.

'So wanna dance?' You asked looking at him. He raised his eyebrow.

'I don't dance.' He said and looked the other way. He saw all of his friends were either dancing or making out or drinking like their life depended upon it. It was sure that all of them were drunk as hell except Deku. He was simply sipping on his drink ignoring everything happening behind him, since his fiancee Ochaco, was dancing with the girls. 

'Aw that's too bad, because I'm gonna go dance.' You said winking at him. You went to the dance floor towards your friends and started dancing like there was no tomorrow. You started swaying your hips, moves like dagger, [Jaeger (lmfao sorry for this)]. Katsuki was dumbstruck seeing you dance. The way your body moved. They way your hair moved when you danced. You face, everything. He thought that he seemed like a school boy with a major crush. 

He was so focused at you, he didn't think twice about getting up and moving towards you. You smiled noticing him coming. You moved forward in his direction too. He smiled a little. All of his friends froze seeing Katsuki on the dance floor with a beautiful girl and smiling. Katsuki put a hand around your waist and turned you around hitting your back in his chest. You smiled and started grinding on him. He tightened his hand around your waist. You smiled, and put your head against his chest and looked up at him.

'What's up?' You asked him. He smirked.

'Wanna get out of here?' He asked. You thought about it for a moment and then nodded. He smirked even wider and took your hand in his. You looked at your friends and winked at them. They gave you a thumbs up. You chuckled.

'I have to tell my shitty friend that I'm getting out.' He shouted over the extremely loud music. You nodded. He went to his friends and said something not leaving your hand. You waved at his drunk friends while smiling a little. They smiled at you and winked at Katsuki while he just rolled his eyes. They even complimented at how pretty you looked. Katsuki dragged you out of there and you spent the night together.

2 months later you started dating and you were the happiest couple ever alive.

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