Midoriya x Bakugo x Todoroki x reader [fluff]

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[You four are in a relationship and you all are pro-heroes. You all live together too.]

'No! That is not fair Izuku!' You shouted at the angry green-head in front of you.

'WHY ISN'T THAT FAIR?!' He yelled back.


You and him are in a heated argument because Midoriya won't let you cuddle Todoroki. He barely cuddles with Bakugo and he always cuddles with Todoroki. Not that you're complaining but Todoroki is your boyfriend too, you need to cuddle him too. Your two other boyfriends were sitting on the sofa watching you two fight.

'You always cuddle with Sho! I wanna cuddle with him too! He's my boyfriend too!' You yelled at him not understanding one bit of why the fuck you were arguing. 

'Well you have Kacchan! You cuddle with him! What's the problem?!'He asked yelling.


'I DO CUDDLE WITH KACCHAN!!' He yelled back.

'When was the last time you cuddled with him?!' You asked and he stayed still for a while.


'EXACTLY!' You screamed.

Bakugo and Todoroki had enough. They both gave each other looks of knowing what they were gonna do. They got up and Todoroki went to your side and Bakugo went to Deku's side. They both slid one of their hands on both your waists and picked you up.


'LEAVE ME I WILL FIGHT THIS WOMAN.' Izuku yelled back. 

Todoroki picked you up as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp. Bakugo picked up Izuku as he struggled too. Both of you stopped struggling. You huffed and looked into different directions, still mad at each other. 

'These damn babies.' Bakugo said as he shoved Midoriya into a room and Todoroki did the same with you.

With you and Todoroki,

'Calm down snowflake.' He said pulling you onto his lap and holding you by your waist.

'No what's his problem?!' You said as you wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You rested your head on his right shoulder looking at the door. You sniffled as he rocked you back and forth.

'I don't know. It's okay. You both with apologise later.' He mumbled against you skin. You cried on his shoulder and soon fell asleep.

With Bakugo and Midoriya,

'Calm down nerd. Why the hell are you even fighting?' Bakugo asked him as Deku wrapped his legs around his waist and rested his head on Bakugo's shoulder.

'It is not my problem that she's always cuddling with you!' Midoriya huffed as he sniffled too. Bakugo chuckled as he patted Deku's back roaming in the room to calm him down.

'Yeah but she need to cuddle with Icyhot too.' Bakugo tried to reason with.

'Yeah but..' Deku wanted to say something but he realised that Bakugo was right. He shuffled in Bakugo's grip and snuggled into his neck. 

'You're not that bad of a cuddler.' Deku said as he fell asleep in his shoulder. Bakugo smirked as he opened the door and went outside.

He saw Todoroki coming out of the room as well with you in his arms. He sighed as Todoroki mouthed that you were sleeping. They both went and sat on the sofa next to each other and looked at you both's sleeping figure. 

'They sure did fight a lot. They seem tired.' Todoroki said as he sighed. 

'Yeah.. but they did fight for a reason which was complete useless.' Bakugo huffed. Todoroki chuckled as he turned on the TV on a low volume so you both wouldn't wake up. 

You and Midoriya shuffled in their laps as you both faced each other. You shifted your head onto Todoroki's left shoulder as Midoriya shifted his head onto Bakugo's right shoulder. 

~an hour later~

Your eyes opened because of someone poking your cheek repeatedly. You opened your eyes and saw Midoriya looking at you while resting his head on Bakugo's shoulder. His cheeks were slightly squished. You frowned as you remembered the fight and you sleeping on Todoroki's shoulder.

'I'm sorry...' He softly said as he caressed your cheek. You huffed and turned your head the other way. 

'Hey don't be like that...' Midoriya mumbled. You rolled your eyes as you got off Todoroki's lap and looked at Midoriya.

'Here, I am sorry for sleeping on YOUR Shoto.' You said as you went into your bathroom and shut the door.

Midoriya sighed as he got off Bakugo's lap and faced them both. 

'Don't look at us like that. You both started it, you end it.' Bakugo said as he turned his gaze back to the TV and Todoroki nodded. Midoriya sighed as he went after you. 

He made his way to the bathroom. He unlocked the door and saw you sitting on the counter while fiddling with your fingers. He sighed again. He put his one hand on your thighs and another under your chin making you look up at him. He saw your sad eyes and his face softened.

'I am so sorry puppy. I didn't mean to shout at you that way. It was a useless fight and I know I was wrong. Please forgive me.' He said pouting. You chuckled as you cupped his cheeks and smashed your lips onto his.

You kissed him passionately as he kissed back. You pulled away and rested your forehead on his. 

'Carry me.' You said as you jumped on him. 

He stumbled but caught you as you both laughed. He put his hands under your hips so you don't fall off. You wrapped your hands around his neck and played with his hair. You both went outside. Todoroki and Bakugo looked at you both and smiled seeing that you both made up.

'Good, now come on and sit down. We're watching movies.' Bakugo said as he patted the seat beside him. 

'Nope, we're gonna go cuddle.' Midoriya said as he walked towards your shared bedroom.

'WHAT?!' Bakugo and Todoroki exclaimed.

'Bye bitches!!' You said as you winked as both of them before Midoriya shut the door with a slam.

'YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING THE HANKY PANKY.' Todoroki yelled from behind the door.

'Heh. Not gonna promise on that one!' You yelled back as you smashed your lips on Midoriya's while he hovered on top of you.


I know it's trash.

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